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A Call to Christian Service

Beloved Brethren,

Have you ever noticed that in every Church, there's a core group of believer's who are faithful in everything they do for the Lord! I want to provoke you to be fruitful and to godly jealously, If you want to be the greatest in the Kingdom of God you must become servant of all!

I want to submit to you that, to the degree in which a Churches members work, is to the degree in which they will grow! So what are you doing? Are you a pew potato? Or a hot potato? I'd like to put it in the words of a preacher I heard. He said that the only people who were allowed to sit on the pews were the infants (Spiritually & Physically speaking). Children, teens, adults, and elderly, IF you want to be a member of this particular body, you will have to be available for work. You must fulfill your duties, chores, responsibilities to and for your family! That's what you do for your natural family, why should you be thinking you can come to your Church family and just sit on the pews! And don't say well I worship in the choir, because we all owe the Father worship, that is part of all our duty, but what will do personally do for Jesus? (see Matthew 25:33-46) Will you do nursery? Will you do follow ups? Will you call and encourage one another? Because IF you will not, God will not trust you with the souls of men.

So what will you personally for Jesus? Ask Him! For the harvest IS plenteous, BUT THE LABORERS ARE FEW. I encourage and exhort you to step out into the will of God! Ask your Pastor where you can help? Where you can BE A blessing? Work together for the vision God has given your Church!


If you really got guts and want to go with God, try a tip I heard from Pastor Mike Sloan: "Next time you see somebody in Church you don't know go up to them and give them your phone number and tell them IF there's anything I can help you with, please give me a call! Because that's where true Christianity kicks in, daring to take the risk outside of Sunday morning!

