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Scary Potter?

> Harry Potter is about a kid. A very cute little
> boy.
> He goes to Witchcraft
> school to learn how to do witchcraft better.
> I never saw the movie or read the books, but from
> the
> previews, there seems to
> be good people and bad people. So, Harry Potter
> goes
> to witchcraft school.
> He's good. But there are those who are bad. So, if
> he's a witch and he's good,
> then the message is clear without reading the book
> or
> seeing the movie...that
> is... if you have the gift, you can be a good witch.
> can get better
> at it if you go to witchcraft school. And you can
> fight evil better if you go
> to witchcraft school -- using your witchcraft
> because
> witchcraft can be used to
> fight evil.
> But, the Bible says there are no good witches! In
> fact, just the opposite.
> "When you enter the land which the LORD your God
> gives
> you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable
> things of those nations. There shall not be found
> among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter
> pass
> through the fire, one
> who used divination, one who practices witchcraft,
> or
> one who interprets omens,
> or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a
> medium,
> or a spiritist, or one who
> calls up the dead. For whoever does these things is
> detestable to the Lord; and
> because of these detestable things the Lord your God
> will drive them out before
> you. You shall be blameless before the Lord your
> God.
> For those nations, which
> you shall dispossess, listen to those who practice
> witchcraft and to diviners,
> but as for you, the Lord your God has not allowed
> you
> to do so." Deut 18:9-14.
> God kicked out nations for practicing witchcraft,
> divination, interpreting
> omens, casting spells, etc. then He wouldn't think
> it
> Godly or Holy to glorify
> kids who do just that. Or is it Godly to reward
> Hollywood for glorifying -- for
> actually imitating witchcraft!
> If children don't take the movie seriously, why do
> they
> go to the movie dressed
> as a witch? and why do they say they want to be a
> good
> witch? and why do they
> mix spells and potions?
> You would be amazed at how many Christians say this
> is
> just a good fantasy
> story.
> Would you sit down with your children and watch
> videos
> of adult activity and
> then explain to your children "We don't actually
> believe in doing this. This is
> just entertainment for our enjoyment...but please
> never
> do this. I hope the
> answer is "no" to both.
> But, if you did, you are just as good as saying,
> "let's
> go watch Harry Potter.
> He's this great kid that has no interest in God, his
> creator or the Lord Jesus
> Christ. What's happened in his life is that without
> any proper training (in the
> story) he's given himself so fully to demons from
> hell,
> that he's going to
> witchcraft school, to learn how to serve Satan
> better,
> by doing better
> witchcraft -- but he'll use it for good!"
> Witchcraft is defined as sorcery. The dictionary
> defines sorcery as "the belief
> in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil
> spirits to produce
> unnatural effects in the world".
> Children can go to Harry Potter's website and enter
> their "spells". Here's the
> never sick always healthy spell. Wake up and turn
> in
> three circles. Jump up
> and down once then blink three times. Say "I'm
> never
> sick always healthy today"
> three times. When Harry does this, he is guaranteed
> to
> be happy and healthy all
> day long. Since Harry did it, children think it's
> OK.
> And they want to cast
> spells rather than asking God to heal them. This
> spell
> is calling on demons to
> bring healing.
> Children don't know any better. But, adults should
> be
> teaching and guiding
> their children while they are young so when they are
> old they won't depart from
> it.
> The greatest irony is that those whose love is
> growing
> cold toward God or have
> no love for Him at all... do not actually recognize
> it
> or believe it to be the case because quite honestly,
> Satan is very good at his job.
> If you've bought into his lie that enjoying Harry's
> experiences with
> demon-inspired witchcraft is just good
> entertainment...
> perhaps you ought to ask
> the Lord to reveal to you if you are one in whom
> "love
> has grown cold" Matt.
> 24:12.
> More than likely, everyone on my mailing list
> agrees...
> but by forwarding this,
> you may help someone who is uninformed.


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