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     This is to inform you that for the time being, "What saith the Scriptures" may or may not be updated weekly. I recently read a story published in "The Voice of Evangelism - Let no man take your crown!"  A story which I have heard before, about a Pastor who had a vision of the "Bema" seat Judgment and saw the Books, Rewards & Judgments.  The part that disturbed and struck Holy terror in me was when the Pastor first realized this was the Judgment and said there was an "OVERWHELMING FEELING OF NOT BEING PREPARED FOR THIS!"  Paul said, "For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.  I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:" (2 Tim 4:6-7)


    With all the things I do, there's not enough time in the day, week, month or year to get it all done; they blend together and next thing I know it's been a year.  There's a lot of "good things" I am doing, but in light of the Judgment it is needful for me to step back from some things, step aside and evaluate IF it is all "God things" I am doing?  Is this what God has planned and purposed for me to fulfill?  Doing Web Pages and Bible Studies online I enjoy doing, but however it is very, very, very time consuming!!!  I'm starting to realize just how precious time is, how it slips away and how valuable it is, I need to redeem it no matter what the cost!  Because when it is all said and done, did I fulfill my course and keep the faith?  Did everything God wanted to accomplish in my life and to accomplish by my life be established?  I WANT TO MAKE SURE I'M NOT LABORING IN VAIN, or doing a lot of great things at the expense of souls in the balance!  It is a crucial time to be about our Father's business!  The end of all things is at hand!  A state of emergency and urgency is how we need to spend these final minutes!


Only 2 things matter above all the busy things we do, ONLY 2 THINGS!

#1 God wants us to WORSHIP and GLORIFY Him alone!  To bring GLORY to His name.

#2 God wants us to win souls!  And the only reason this is secondary is because many will not take heed to the testimony of  Jesus, but whether they hear or forbear we are always to WORSHIP and bring GLORY and HONOR unto GOD! 


     Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision, and there are multitudes of preachers preaching things that are insignificant to the real issue, "where people are going to spend eternity, Heaven or Hell?"  "…he that winneth souls is wise. (Prov 11:30)  "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." (Dan 12:3)


My friend….


B'shem Yeshua!


Doulos D