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What can you say inlight of what has recently happened to the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?

PRAY for America; God has no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, He has no pleasure, not even in the death of the wicked. Many souls went to their eternal destination in either heaven or hell.

PRAY that America, and people around the world would stop and think that we're not promised to live a good long age, we're a heartbeat away from eternity right now, what happened there can happen anywhere and happen to them. Get right with Jesus right now, flee from the wrath of God to come. Accept His mercy and grace today, today is the day of salvation!

PRAY that America before it retaliates, would call a national solemn assembly! That the Church in America, and Americans in general would repent openly before God in sackcloth and ashes for our sins, the sins and transgressions of the people. Americans turned their backs towards God and kicked Him out of public places leading the nations in every sin known to man: abortion, murder, rape, drugs, divorce, hate, perverted sex, etc, etc.
Should God overlook our sins and avenge us speedily? This may be judgment on the abortion issue alone! We kill more innocent babies year by year than the number of innocent people that were killed in this tragedy!

PRAY for the peace of Jerusalem. We know that this isn't an attack because of freedom and democracy! But because all Islamic countries are set to destroy Israel but none will jump because they will have to reckon with the United States who is really the only country on Israel's defense! Make no mistake about it, Middle Eastern Countries might not like each other but they will unify if it means the destruction of Israel and of America the white satan.

Mercy, Grace & Peace
Doulos D