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Uploaded 4 new chipsets.

BreathOfFire2.png 13.4 kb
Some characters from the game Breath of Fire 2.
Bomberman.png 3.52 kb
It's bomberman and he didn't bring any friends.
ChronoTrigger.png 17.3 kb
It's chrono and this time he brought all of his buddies even Magus.
EarthBound.png 11.7 kb
It a character set from the game Earth Bound 35.3 kb
In this zip there are three sets from Final Fantasy 3.
HarvestMoon.png 2.90 kb
It's the guy from the farming game called Harvest Moon. 110 kb
10 sets all with different characters. Given to me by Alex75000 The Son of Sephiroth. 46.6 kb
It has two character sets from the show Sailor Moon. Given to me by Alex75000 The Son of Sephiroth.
ZrgChar.png 9.02 kb
This characterset would be good if your making a funny rpg.
Chests.png 3.81 kb
A bunch of different colored chests.
ContestBoon.png 2.56 kb
A cool looking guy that has a sword. 4.77 kb
Two sets each with a dino character.
Dragoons.png 13.6 kb
A characterset, full of my kind, the dragoons.
Illustset1.png 8.56 kb
A good character set with many cool looking characters.
ItemSprites.png 10.5 kb
Tons of cool little items to hang all over your shops.
LunarChar.png 8.92 kb
The character set from a game called Lunar something. 4.68 kb
A cool character that's very lonely. Faceset included. 1.72 kb
It's the cool black mage from Final Fantasy 9. 6.95 kb
Another character set full of monsters. 15.9 kb
Tons of cool character sets tossed into a zip. 3.13 kb
Some cool swords that would look good in shop.
SOMCharas.png 14.1 kb
The character set from the game Seceret of Mana.
SOMElements.png 7.43 kb
The elementals from Seceret of Mana.
Tactics.png 7.77 kb
A few character sets from Final Fantasy Tactics.
TOP.png 11.5 kb
The character set from Tales of Phantasia.
WMage.png 2.46 kb
A white mage who is all alone.
FF2Chara.png 9.71 kb
Some of the characters from the classic Final Fantasy 2.
SwordSoldiers.png 14.1 kb
Some soldiers who are prepared for any battle. Created by Broznon 14.4 kb
Some of the characters from Azure Dreams.
Bugs.png 7.26 kb
A few little bugs which must be squashed.
CoolSolds.png 5.05 kb
Some cool looking soldiers that just might replace those other ones.
DreadCharaSet.png 2.89 kb
A dreadful looking character.
Freakazoid.png 2.97 kb
The guy from that cartoon.
HarvestMoon.png 14 kb
Tools and people from the game Harvest Moon.
MoreMons.png 15 kb
Some new cool looking monsters to spice your game up. 44 kb
Some very cool characters in this zip. 40.1 kb
Some of the characters made by Ascii, just a little more colorful. 51.5 kb
Just like is says its a kick azz pack of characters.
SenshiGGCharas& 5.90 kb
Try saying that fives times fast.
Girl.png 2.21 kb
A cool looking girl, thats about it.
GMRW.png 9.22 kb
Don't ask me what the hell GMRW stands for cause I don't know, but still the charaset is pretty cool.
Goemon.png 4.68 kb
Hey it's Goemon the ninja who stared in two games.... Or was it more than that?
Gw2.png 13.4 kb
A cool set that used some of the characters made by ascii.
Havok.png 2.53 kb
A sweet looking dude ready to kick ass.
Infantry.png 2.16 kb
It looks like something off star trek, which makes it cool; well atleast in my opionion.
Marine.png 4.16 kb
He is hard to see on the charaset, but that doesn't mean he looks stupid.
Pose.png 4.55 kb
That famous blue bandana guy made by ascii who's laying in his bed.
Pose2.png 7.62 kb
This angel didn't like her job to much.
Pose3.png 2.03 kb
When did the circus come to town??
Special.png 14.1 kb
Some more ascii characters edited, but what else is new?
Speical2.png 15.2 kb
Yet another ascii edited set.
Srm95.png 11.3 kb
Hey some characters from Sim Rpg Maker 95.
Sword.png 3.04 kb
Ok, ok, so my created swords suck compared to these.
TimePortal.png 8.99 kb
Wow, these bring back memories don't they? It was 6 years ago that we saw these, but it feels like yesterday.
Charagreen.png 38.7 kb
It's that popular Alex guy in green.
DNM.png 7.44 kb
Some neat little edited characters. 3.83 kb
A zip with chess pieces, both black and white pieces.
Ninapose.png 3.71 kb
A red headed girl with really pointy ears.

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Copyright © 2001-2003 Andrew Bertino