Set Password Functions
By Illustrious
If you haven't found out already.. the set password function is very
useful. It allows you to do many useful events at the push of a key, one
that you set yourself.
You have the option of calling up an event with either the direction keys,
the escape key, or the enter key. You can make your character jump like
Mario everytime you press enter for example.. heres how:
step one: set a parrallel process event
step two: in this event insert the event command "set password"
step three: in the "set password Box" check the little mimi box called
"wait until key hit"
(this makes it so the event happens only when you push the
button you select)
step four: check a box in the input passable key box:
*** Direction(1,2,3,4) makes the jump happen when you press
direction keys
*** Decision(5) makes the jump happen when you press enter
*** Cancel Key(6) makes the jump happen when you press
escape key
step five: say ok to all the actions you set in the set password box to
step six: now you add the event command "set chara movement"
step seven: set the chara movemnt type to Hero.. so that the hero jumps
Step eight: For a simple, short jump, use these commands for your movement
"start jump" "step forward" "end jump"
step nine: Select ok to the movent event command.
step ten: test play your game.. press enter when ever you want your char
to jump.
*** note: from time to time.. the game freezes, i am sure there is a way
you can avoid it. My best guess is a wait command that is timed to the
length of your jump. if anyone can tell me the reason for this, drop me a
line at
*** note 2: if you use enter for your jump command and you try to talk to a
townsperson, you will jump instead of talk. So, use this command for
instances where you don't need to use the enter button to talk or open
chests. Get around this by using a switch that disables the event you made
to set the jump command. When you need it again, set a switch that
reenables the jump command.
*** note 3: You will need to copy your "jump button" event to every map you
intend to use it for.
As I said before, you can attacth nearly any kind of command you need to the
push of a button. You can set a button for your command by using steps 1-5
listed above. here are a few possibilities:
The Expression
In the event where you set the action button., follow the same event with a
command that shows a char expression. Every time the (name the key you set
here) button is pressed, you will see your character do its
Remote Contol
I like this one. Control remote objects with the push of a button. Rather
than setting an event that controls your hero movement to jump.. you could
set the button to move other events on your map. For example, you could
push the key you set and make every townsperson on your map jump This can
also be useful in creating puzzles where you remotely command events. Take
commands of people or objects. say there is a mine cart on an elevator, you
can set a button to act as a remote control to lower the elevator and give
you access to the mine cart.
Call Special Menu
This idea was introduced to me by Qheretic. Say you created a system that
is similar to Final Fantasy VII's materia system or Final Fantasy VI's
Esper system. You could call up a menu (one you create yourself..but can
always be called) that allows the player to customise elements of your
"spells" or "skills" system.
Basically.. if you want to assign a key to do an action, there are so many
possibilities. You can create an event that can do practially anything you
want to be repeated every time you press a key. Create the command the same
way you would make it in a regular event.. but to make it operate at the
press of a key... add steps 1-5 above into your event.
Created by Illustrious 7/24/00
This tutorial is subject to an update.