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<   Installation Guide For Custom RPG Maker 2000 Fonts   >
                  v e r s i o n    1 . 0
Basic Font Information.
The fonts RPG Maker 2000 uses are stored in a *.FON format
which is a font resource file. Font resources unlike *.FNT
(Bitmap) and *.TTF (TrueType) files, are not a RAW format.
What does this mean? It means *.FON files can contain more
than a single font. Why is this important to know? Well it
is because RM2K can't just use any old *.FON you happen to
find lying around, but that's covered in the next section.
RM2K Font Information.
RPG Maker 2000 comes default with two installed fonts. The
standard RM2000.fon and the alternative gothic RMG2000.fon
In order to use another font, you must replace one of them
first. This is because RM2K only supports two fonts at any
one time (RM2000 & RMG2000). These fonts also have a rigid
format that needs to be met by any other fonts you wish to
use. So before you go copying fonts around, make sure that
you understand these requirements.
 1. The file's internal name must be RM2000 or RMG2000
 2. The file must contain only a single font resource
 3. That single font resource must be bitmapped
 4. Characters can not exceed 6x10 pixels
* Sounds complicated? Don't worry all, the fonts
  available on my site are 100% RM2K compatable.
If the fonts you want to use meet those specifications, it
should be fine to import them. However note that modifying
any of the RM2K fonts on your system will also add them to
the build process of your game. This may result in adverse
effects when your game is installed on another system that
is running RPG Maker 2000. For instance if you are using a
futuristic font in your game, and then give your game to a
friend who is also making an RPG, but he is using a gothic
font. When he installs your game, your futuristic font may
overwrite his gothic font.
Installing RM2K fonts.
Note: DO NOT use the Control Panel to import RM2K fonts!!!
      The Control Panel reads *.FON files not by name, but
      rather by internal font resources. Since each custom
      font has exactly the same internal name, the Control
      Panel will only see a single font, even when various
      RM2K fonts are present in the same directory.
Now the fun part. To install a new custom font there are a
couple steps that need to be taken. Open explorer and find
your Windows Fonts directory (C:\Windows\Fonts). There you
will find a font file named "RMG2000 8", delete it (All my
fonts replace the RMG2000.fon exclusively, none of my font
replacements will ever overwrite the standard RM2000.fon).
Ok now we need to import the new font. Locate the font you
wish to import and make a copy of it. Now rename that copy
to RMG2000.fon, this will ensure future compatability with
my soon to be released RM2K Font Manager Application. Once
you have renamed the font accordingly cut n' paste it into
the Fonts folder (make sure when you paste into the Folder
you use the right click menu, for some reason using CTRL-V
doesn't work when pasting into the Font folder). That's it
your done.
Things to keep in mind.
1. Since all my custom fonts replace the RMG2000.fon,
   you will have to set the RM2K game font to RMG2000
   on the System Graphics Dialog before the font will
   take effect. (See the RM2K HelpFile for more info)
2. Consider building your game with the default fonts
   and packaging your custom font seperately. Include
   directions on how to add it in if the user wishes,
   or at least warn the user before installation that
   a custom font has been used in your game.
3. Some computer systems may view any *.FON file with
   the same internal name as the one installed in the
   Fonts directory, as the one in the Fonts directory
   ... what this means is that if you download a font
   from my site, and you then view it on your system,
   it might look exactly like the currently installed
   RMG2000.fon (this is a bug in windows). However in
   reality the data is completely different. Once the
   RMG2000.fon file is removed from the Fonts folder,
   you should be able to view the other fonts without
   any problem. Keep this in mind before you email me
   with problems.