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         < <Traci> kelav  go to room #sexpicsfservers
        <  <SeX^MaSTeR> looking for FileServers? Join #SexPicsFservers, our sister room... same friendly ops.  >       < <Traci> type /join #sexpicsfservers
        <  <SeX^MaSTeR> looking for FileServers? Join #SexPicsFservers, our sister room... same friendly ops
         < <Traci> friendly ops....  that's me  :)
         < <Mush> yea
         < <Mush> real friendly
         < <Traci> lol
         < <Mush> she takes on all cummers
         < <Mush> male or female
         < <Mush> don't matter to her
         < *** kostt has quit IRC
         < <Traci> yeah yeah
         < <Mush> so u agree then
         < <Traci> lol
         < <Traci> no
         < <Mush> traci
         < <Traci> Mush
         < <Mush> have u ever taken ur dildo to work and used it there
         < *** kelav has quit IRC (Ping timeout for kelav[])
         < <Traci> no
         < <Traci> not yet
         < <Traci> why
         < *** SexHungryF has quit IRC (Read error to SexHungryF[]: Connection reset by peer)
          < <Mush> lol
          < <Mush> did u ever wish that u had it
          < <Mush> when u needed at work
          < *** bond88888 has quit IRC
          < <Traci> hell yeah
          < <Mush> do u lube ur dildo up
          < <Mush> or
          < <Traci> nope
          < <Mush> r u wet enough when u go to use it
          < <Traci> yep
          < <Mush> did u ever try to use in the butt
          < <Mush> just see what it was like
          < <Traci> no
          < <Traci> have you?
          < <Mush> lol
          < <Traci> lol
          < *** SeX^MaSTeR sets mode: +l 20
          < * Mush don't play with things like that
          < <Traci> lol
          < <Mush> traci
          < <Traci> Mush
          < <Mush> have u ever used a veggie to get off
          < <Mush> just because it was there
          < *** sroassn has quit IRC (
          < <Traci> not to get off but I have had one in my pussy
          < <Mush> well did u get off on it?
          < <Traci> no
          < <Mush> then why did u have it in there
          < <Traci> took a pic
          < <Mush> u did
          < <Traci> yes
          < <Mush> i never got it
          < <Traci> nope
          < <Traci> brb
          < <Mush> k
          < <Traci> back
          < <Mush> whoopie
          < <Mush> wb
          < <Mush> lol
          < <Traci> lol
          < <Traci> ty
          < <Traci> I know I just made your day
          < <Mush> so traci
          < <Traci> yes
          < *** PuSsiE has quit IRC
          < <Mush> how would u rate urself at sucking cock?? on a scale of 1 to 10.. 10 being the best
          < <Traci> hmmmmm
          < <Traci> 8
          < <Mush> k
          < <Mush> now
          < <Traci> at least
          < <Traci> 10 if it's johnny
          < <Traci> lol
          < <Mush> do u spit or swollow or like the guy shot all over ur face
          < <Traci> I swallow
          < <Traci> and I like the guy to cum all over my face
          < <Mush> if the guy shoots it on ur face do u use a towel to wipe it off
          < <Mush> or
          < <Mush> use ur fingers to retreive it for cumsomtion
          < <Traci> fingers
          < <Mush> Hi madwog16        How old are you??
          < <madwog16> 17
          < <madwog16> u
          < -> *SexGod* AKICK #SexPics add *!*erbia2001@* Minor ( by Mush 18/05/01
          < -> *SexGod* kick #SexPics madwog16 Come back when you are 18yrs old
          < *** madwog16 was kicked by SexGod ((Requested by: Mush) Come back when you are 18yrs old)
          < -SexGod- *!*erbia2001@* added to #SexPicsFServers autokick list.
          < <Traci> lol
          < <Mush> lol
          < <Traci> you doing a bosco 20 questions Mush?'
          < <Mush> no
          < <Mush> does he do that
          < <Traci> lol
          < <Traci> yep
          < <Mush> didn't realize that
          < <Mush> well anyway
          < <Mush> have u ever had a guy try to go up ur butt
          < <Traci> yes
          < <Mush> did u enjoy it
          < <Traci> not the first time
          < <Mush> and did he go all the way
          < <Traci> yes
          < <Mush> not at 1st?
          < <Traci> well I didn't mind it later
          < <Mush> so if someone wants to do it now
          < <Mush> u would
          < <Traci> but I have to be in the mood for it
          < <Mush> oh
          < <Traci> yeah I would do it
          < <Mush> do u perfer him to lube up
          < <Traci> yes
          < <Mush> or just shove it in
          < <Mush> lol
          < <Mush> k
          < <Traci> lol
          < <Traci> anything else you want to know?
          < <Mush> yes
          < <Mush> have u ever had a train pulled on u
          < <Traci> no
          < <Traci> you ever done one?
          < <Mush> did u ever wish u have had a train pulled on
          < <Traci> yes
          < <Mush> just to see how much u can enjoy
          < <Mush> before getting sore
          < <Traci> yes
          < <Mush> how much cum do u think
          < <Mush> ur pussy would hold
          < <Traci> don't know
          < <Mush> before u say i need to wash up
          < <Traci> well
          < <Traci> I would just let it all run out
          < <Mush> how many guys would it take to just make it run out
          < <Traci> don't know
          < <Traci> depends on how much they cum
          < <Traci> some guys cum more than others
          < <Mush> how many guys would u like to take on ur 1st time
          < <Traci> no idea
          < <Traci> 6
          < <Mush> would u choose who would be 1st
          < <Mush> or let them do that
          < <Mush> and
          < <Traci> let them do it
          < <Mush> if u was to choose
          < <Mush> would u want the smalllest or the largest to be 1st
          < <Traci> hmmm
          < <Traci> smallest first
          < <Mush> good answer
          < <Mush> at least for that guy that would be small
          < <Mush> lol
          < <Traci> lol
          < <Traci> sg op
          < *** SexGod sets mode: +o Traci
          < *** Traci changes topic to '(<Mush> do u spit or swollow or like the guy shot all over ur face'
          < <Mush> lol
          < *** SeX^MaSTeR sets mode: -b *!*King@*
          < <Traci> lol
          < <Traci> gotta go to work
          < <Traci> bbl
          < <Mush> bye