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                                                                  < EZmIRC >

                                                    < Some Funny Channel and DCC Chat Logs >

                  < Right now We are looking for anyone that think they have a funny log, to send Us.. >

                 <  We will post all new logs every Sunday.. We hope to receive some great one.. Keep >

           < checking back and read what others send in. > <  ;-)><

            < ________________________________________________________________________________ >

             <  Here is a Channel log Buffer taken from #SexPics on >

          < It is sometime funny and with some adult content > < [ Traci's Interview Part 1 ]

             < If you like to meet Traci.. Check her out at #SexPics on
         < _______________________________________________________________________ >

         < Here is another one thats Automatically funny.. >
         < Sent in from fallen`petal.. After you read this we hope you visit #SexPics >
         < on And you too can join on the fun and pic taking too.. >
         < _______________________________________________________________________ >

        <  Here is a log that our very own Traci sent me... Here she joins in the chat that is going
         < on.. But what was she thinking about at the time??? Can you quest?    [ Traci????? ]

                                                       < [ Automatically ] >
