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Camp Maranatha Pix
Camp Maranatha Pix
Hope you enjoy seeing some pictures from my years at Camp Maranatha. Still updating, so please forgive me!!! Have a blessed day, and seriously, if you live anywhere near Ila (Commerce, Athens, Danielsville) GA, you should check out the camp for your kids or yourself (if YOU are a kid) or as a ministry to volunteer for or give to. It has changed SO many lives...of basically EVERYONE who's ever attended or worked there!!! :)
Lori Fusco
Lori Fusco 
Lori was in Tiffany's crew her first year at camp, when this picture was taken and we met. Her third year, she was in my crew. But between my fourth and fifth summers at Camp Maranatha, Lori was in a terrible car accident in which she and her precious brother, Joey, were instantly killed. I would sometimes visit their church on the weekends (Clay's dad was their pastor as well), and everytime I came, I was asked to sing for the church. Joey and Lori would skip going to Children's church so that they could hear me sing. I can still remember seeing them watching and listening as I sang "Once Upon a Tree." Though we are sad that you are no longer with us, we rejoice that you are with Jesus today! And how sweet it shall be to see you again!

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