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A Mini Auto-Biography of Rita Juanita Mock

A little mini-auto-biography of the crazy chick that made this website: Rita Juanita Mock

BORN: Columbus, OH, November 4, 1981


I have been published several times on subjects ranging from famous horses and their Olympian riders to Open Air Evangelism. I sing Soprano I to Alto II, I play piano (though I’m not confident enough yet to play for an audience), I have done several musicals and plays (including some that I’ve written, produced and/or directed), I have written a novel and am attempting to complete several others, I have recorded two CDs (though I’ve had a lot of vocal training since and the voice quality is hopefully much improved!), I have a passion for missions and am currently investigating the possibility of going to Australia as one, and if I had to choose one activity to do for the rest of my life, it would be evangelism!


flower--calla lily
scent--woodlands in the spring in the early morning
day of the week--Sunday
number--7659498 (hehehe...actually don't have one...)
season--late spring and early autumn
ice cream--anything exotic, and of course Bear tracks!
song--anything that praises God for who He is
artists--Steven Curtis Chapman, Steve Green, Chris Rice, Michael Card, Damaris Carbaugh, Twila Paris, Go Fish, Acappella, London Philharmonic, Boston Pops, Corey Emerson, Matthew Ward, Selah, Fernando Ortega
Bible passages--Matthew 6, Psalm 63, Psalm 73, Psalm 119, The Prodigal Son, Joseph of Genesis, Revelation 5:9-14
Best friends--(ignore the order, it means nothing!!!) Elizabeth Glovier, Sarah Evans, Erika VanKirk, Nancy Snee, Kris Walma, Dan Hendon, and Ben Bowler.

EDUCATION: Crestview Christian Academy, GR, MI, Kindergarten; East Leonard Elementary, GR, MI, grade-school; homeschool, Quincy, FL, Junior/Senior high; Tallahassee Community College, Tallahassee, FL, 3 semesters; Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL, 3 years, graduated with B.A. in Evangelism/Discipleship a part of the World Missions Department

TRAVELS: Family Missions trip, 1989–Mexico, Belize, Guatemala; Continental Singers, 2002–CA, NV, AZ, NM, TX, LA, AL, GA, NC, PA, NY, OH, MI, IN, IL, KS, MO, IA, NE, CO, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, Liechtenstein; Moody Chorale, 2003, 2004–IN, IA, NE, CO, KS, MO, IL, WI, OH, PA, NY, NH, RI, MA, United Kingdom, South Africa

PREVIOUS MINISTRIES: Executive Board Member and Leader -- Open Air Evangelism, MBI, 3 years
Bible Blast -- Open Air kids program in Cabrini Green, 3 semesters
Founder/Leader -- Flowers for Jesus (homeless ministry), Chicago, 3 years
Joni & Friends Chicago-- 1 year
Living Faith Community Church -- Bible Study Leader, 1 semester
Moody Chorale -- 2 years
MBI Founders’ Week -- Prayer Counselor, 2 years
Youth Haven Bible Camp (KMM) -- Counselor, Drama Teacher, 2 summers
Continental Singers -- 1 summer
AWANA Cubbies -- Junior Leader, 7 years
Camp Maranatha -- Counselor/Wrangler/Kitchen Staff, 5 summers
Temple Baptist Church Choir -- 5 years
FAITH Evangelism -- 1 semester

Songs of Creation Home| Moody Life| Camp Maranatha| Exploring His Beauty| Even a Caterpillar| Symphonies of Nature| Friends and Family Photo Album| Youth Haven Bible Camp| Continentals Tour A| Circuit Riding Preachers| The Aviatrix| Mini Auto-Biography