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Camp Maranatha of Ila, Georgia

Preacher Brock

This page is dedicated in loving memory of Preacher Brock.

For the summers of 1997 to 2001, I worked at Camp Maranatha in Ila, Georgia as a counselor/wrangler. Below are some photos that highlight my time there. While I haven't been there ina few years now, Camp Maranatha will always hold a special place in my heart. My life was changed because of all the people I met and worked with there, and my outlook on ministry and life is totally different because of people like Allen Reynolds (the camp director), Clay White, Heather Cook, the Strattons, the Tennisons, and so many others. I could never name them all! And of course, Preacher Brock, the founder and original director of Camp Maranatha, had a huge impact on my life! What a privilege to have worked with all of these different amazing people! I pray the Lord's blessings on all of your lives, whatever you may be doing now!

I will always be grateful to God for allowing me the privilege of working with all the amazing people on staff at Camp Maranatha over my years there. I love each of you and think of you often! God bless!

To find out more about Camp Maranatha, feel free to check out their webpage:

To view pictures of camp, click here.


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