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Quezalcoatl, like Hermes and Vayu is a god of the air. In meso-America, he is considered to be the god of healing also. Like Hermes and Thoth, he was also a god of wisdom and had the gift of prophecy. Everyone remembers how he prophesied the coming of the Spaniards. Having a serpent as his form definitely identifies him with Inle and the healing currents of the old world. Many of the Celtic persuasion have said that Quezalcoatl really was Merlin, who disappeared from the old world and began again his work in the new world. Interesting that Hermes, Vayu, Quezalcoatl are all gods of the wind and represent the element of air, just as the archangel Raphael is also associated with the element air. Our Inle was more associated with the element water, as he was a fisherman and spent much time around that element, not to mention his sojourn with Yemaya in the ocean. Water has always been related to healing, hence the existance of healing springs. Perhaps this tells us that a balance of all the elements is necessary for healing to take place, just as, many times, an imbalance in the body is the cause of disease.

Bormo was the Celtic god of healing in Provencal and the Iberian Peninsula. He was associated with thermal springs. This clearly links him with Inle in that he is connected with the water element. Likewise, he lived in the woodlands or forest, as did Inle. Many areas in Europe today located at thermal springs are considered to be centers of healing. In Germany to this day, people "take the cure" and go and spend a month at a thermal spa and even their insurance covers it! Likewise the healing center at Lourdes is associated with healing waters and almost all pilgrims come away from the shrine with some "Lourdes" water. The power of water in relation to healing is great. Many times, under the direction of Orunla or the other Orishas, herbal baths are taken to remove negativity. Spiritualists also recommend certain baths to remove negativity. Water is the universal element. As we have seen, the element of air also plays its part in healing. So does the element of fire, which burns away the unwanted. The earth element is also important in healing, as sometimes the only way to remove negativity is to "ground" it in the earth where Orishas like OrishaOko absorb it. This method of working with the elements is quite natural, since the Orishas are associated with the natural forces in our Universe and draw their power from them.