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My latest addition! Here I am as I look now. Yes I'm 16!

For your viewing pleasure here is a picture of me with sister's cat Yagermister.

Bread anyone? Yes I'm holding bread. Now if only I can find the picture where I was beating my friend Ashley with the bread.

Here I am again. This picture was taken by a friend of mine if you can't tell I wasn't really in the mood for my picture to be taken.

Wow! It's a great tree full of asses!

Here's an ass for you! HeHe!

Speaking of asses here's a picture of my toilet! Why I put this here I don't know but I felt compelled to.


This is my Octopus who seems really pissed off.

Here's a picture of a tombstone and wait a minute who's that dude that got in my picture? That bastard! I wish I knew who it was I'd kick his ass!

Oh the lovely water and great big........dammit! It's that dude again! Whoever you are you better keep your head out of my pictures or i will make it so you will never be able to have head again!
