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Well, look at this I have found the one thing I've wanted most in life; Sean. He's the greatest thing to ever happen to me! I mean that too! Without this boy I'd be lost in a world without happiness because until him I never knew the emotion. He is my every breath. This boy is so sweet too although I must say he isn't fond of being complimented. This boy stays up all night and waits up me so when I get up in the morning before school I go on-line and talk to him because he wants to put me in a good mood before school. Isn't that sweet? I think so!

I met him at school but didn't really talk to him then but one day Sandy gave me his screen name and I was like "uh ok". Well she told me one day about how she doesn't like the fact that he signs off without saying goodbye so for some weird reason or other I IMed him one day asking him why he does that. Of course he had no clue who I was so I had to explain to him that I was Sandy's friend. After that we spoke more often and he invited me to go to the Ren Fest with him since I had never been there before. We hung out a few times before that but finally the day came and we went together. That was when he surprised me by giving me a kiss goodnight. I was so surprised according to him I had this look on my face as though I just saw a flying saucer out the window and won the lotto at the same time. I believe that was how he described it. Anyway, it was a very surprised look to put it in simple terms. That was when it became official that yes we are now dating.

If you check out my profile on my bio page you will see there's a part about my dream guy. Now in normal times this person would not exsist however for me he just came to life! Yes I know he doesn't have long hair but he's growing it because he wants to! So in a couple months he will be the exact guy of my dreams. I really do sound retarted here. Oh well I'm just so happy I can't help but sound like a complete git!

Below are pictures of two of his tattoos. He has three but I don't have a picture of the third one so oh well! Deal with it damnit!

Understand something and understand it good he is mine always will be no if's, and's, or but's! You get between him and I and I will get all Irish on your ass with his dagger Blood Song! You Hear Me! That's right I'm talking to your lazy ass! Bitch! Yes that's right kick your ass!