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Born: May 26, 1954
(Shreveport, Louisiana)

(The Family)
Danny's Parents, Claudia and James Rolling, would constintly argue and fight
which caused frequent seperations between them. At the age on one Danny and
disfuctional family moved to Columbus, Georgia. Danny was brought up very
religously, spending a lot of his time at the church. Soon later he his mom gave
birth to another boy giving Danny a younger brother.

(The Mom)
At eight years old Danny's mother became fed up with all the fighting and
arguing with her husband and made an attempt to commit suicide; however,
she was unsuccessful. Danny and his younger brother moved back to Shreveport,
Louisiana with their mom and stayed at their grandparents house (Claudia's
parents). The three Rollings were only in Louisiana for a short while due to
Claudia's decision to move back to her abusive husband. After her return to her
husband they all decided to move back to Shreveport.This decision
was final and would stay.

(The Father)
James was an extremely abusive father and husband. After moving back to Shreveport,
Louisiana he joined the police force. Not only would he physically abuse his family, he a
mentally did as well. "You're no good!", "You're stupid!", "Your a failure!", and worst of all,
"I WISH YOU WERE DEAD!!!", were just some of the things he would tell both his sons.

At the age of 17, Danny dropped out of school, and entered the U.S Air Force. He was
not in the military for long after getting caught using marijuana. On March 1, 1973, after thirty
days in a jail at the military base, he received an honorable discharge under general

(Omatha Halko)
Danny returned to the military and immediately met Omatha Halko (age 19) in a Pentecostal
Church in Shreveport Louisiana, fell in love, and were wedded in September of 1975.
Just a little while later Omatha Rolling gave birth to a beautiful little girl by the name of Kiley
Danielle Rolling. This would be the couples only child. Danny states that his wife was unfaithful
ending marriage after two years. He became greatly depressed and commited his first rape
the night after he was served with the divorce papers.

(Danny & James)
May 18, 1990, the day Danny finnally couldn't take his fathers abuse any longer. After getting
into an argument between them Danny ran outa the house. Not only did his father chase after
him, he brought a gun with him and shot all six bullets of his revolver at his son. Claudia, Danny's
mother, thought that her husband had finnally killed her son. Danny was able to dodge all the
shots and hid in the shed by his house. He pulled out a handgun that he hid in there and went
back to his house. He kicked open the door and after a short face off with his father, Danny
shot him twice. Once in the abdomen and once in the face. Danny then took off out the door.
James lost an eye, became deaf in one ear, and now walks with a cane due to the two striking
shots that came from his own flesh and blood, his son.

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