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Danny Rolling is on Death Row in Florida, condemned to die five
times over for the 1990 mutilation murders of five college students
in Gainsville. He is also serving back-to-back maximum pops of five life
sentences and two hundred and seventy years for a series of burglaries
and armed robberies.

Danny grew up in an abusive, disfunctional family. When Danny would do
something wrong, his father would wish death upon him. Abuse or the
torture that his father did to him gave him the thought of doing it to someone
else, knowing that he was the one with the power. Finally, when Danny thought
he had his life together, having a wife and a beautiful baby girl, his wife cheated
on him and then devorced him. He hated the world for that and decided to take
his revenge. Just like his father did to him. His anger was accumulated
throughout the years of his life, definately due to nurture over nature.