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**New Wavs**

What's New!!
I made this page to make it easy for everyone
Here you will find the New Wavs that I've added
In the past week or so.
All Wavs with a * have the lyrics and wav.
Request Welcome!

Updated 11/29/02
Hi all...As of 12/1/02...I wont be taking any request
As I will be going out of town for my Son is getting Married. I will resume them once I get back on 12/10/02
..Thanks for understanding..
Radio :)

Updated 11-21-02
Hi All
Due to Angelfire changing there site from 50MB to 20MB
I will no longer be posting the wavs that have been Requested on the site as before
I will post a list only of the wavs that have been Requested
You then can Email me and I will email them to you.
Sorry All, I know this might be a pain in the ass
but they have left me no other choice..
Thanks for understanding
Radio :)

I have the Pages fixed
If you come across any that aren't
Please let me know...
Thanks Radio :)
As Requested by most I now have the Christmas Wavs up

Christmas Wavs

* My Other Pages *

{Home} {Family} {Links}

{Whats New} {Request Page} {JukeBox}

{Rock Wavs} {Country Oldies Wavs} {Country Wavs}

{50 & 60 Oldies} {Elvis Wavs} {Poems}

{Friends} {Awards} {GuestBook}

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All the songs throughout this website were recorded
from CDs purchaced by me and are for evaluation
and/or educational purposes ONLY.
No financial gains are made by this website.
All copyright holders still retain their perspective copyrights.

*If you can't hear the music*
Click below to download Media Player.