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"What Do You Say..."

This poem is dedicated to my father - a man who helped to give me not only life, but many of my strengths. He, along with my wonderful mother, has always been the symbol that I have tried to emulate; to touch the stars. He is the flame that has guided me.


As many of you know, Dad passed away on September 7, 2004. He struggled with diabetes, cancer, strokes & heart problems for many years. What you may not know is that there are three very dear and special people to me who also been given what could be "death sentences." The first has M.D. and is holding strong. The second has AIDS and is putting up a valiant battle. The third has just found out about lung cancer and has a long hard fight ahead.


Each of these people have inspired me, and continue to do so, in so many ways that I cannot even begin to list them here. This site is just a very small way that I can try to let them know how much they mean to me. Of how proud that I am to know each of them, and that I can call them "friends."


Please visit the links to learn more about cancer, MD and AIDS. If you can, make a donation or volunteer your time. Every little bit DOES help! Hopefully soon we will find ways to completely eliminate all life-threatening diseases so that no one else will have to lose a loved one this way.
Also, DO NOT forget about the power of prayer!!! The lady with lung cancer shows no sign of the deadly disease anymore!


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