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You may not copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute, republish, upload, post, sell, or make changes to any information or materials on this Web site without our prior written consent. Individual documents on this web site may have different copyright conditions. Other products, brand names, or company names referred to herein may be trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. Due to the volume of mail we have received, we have this diclaimer and/or response: This is OUR website to get Al Gore elected as OUR President of the United States of America. This website is brought to you as a free speech and free dollars reminder of the 2000 election and how we as a people should not ever forget it. We are officialy the first and only transition World Wide Web site for Al Gore and his Democratic Presidency from 2001-2004 in effect because of the void left without one on the World Wide Web. This site takes NO online donations due to the fact there is no way we can make sure, security wise, any financial information is leaked nor are we authorized to do so. As well, we wish to stay away from any of the fundraising efforts of Team Al Gore 2004 or The Democratic National Committee. This site takes NO financial gain from the online banners that sponsor the website nor the clicks we receive, only the webhost receives those monies. The organization that is hosting the website is not responsible in any way for the contents of the website. All information on the website is factual to the extent that known knowledge is and was. Any opinion expressed by a contributor about a controversial subject is to be considered his/her own personal opinion, not the opinion of the website managers, director or editors. The fact that our images are used in another website or any other media should not be considered as an endorsement of ours for any opinion expressed nor of the images posted here. In any case we disclaim any responsibility about the veracity and accuracy of the contents of the website. All names added to the list in the guestbook and/or message board are added by the free will of the people and the said people, whose name is given inside, and will not be edited. Those names may be either be passed on to the Democratic National Committee and/or Team Al Gore 2004 via encrypto email or by member of the Democratic National Committee and/or Team Al Gore 2004. All views and/or opinions made inside the guestbook and/or message board are not the neccessarily th same views and/or opinions of this Al Gore for 2004 website and its other Ricky Willy Daley affiliated member sites nor will they be edited for air. All comments made by those said people will remain in the state when created even the most negative so to show the real world impact these 2000 and 2004 presidential races had on the people and the emotions they felt within those races. This website does not use the official photo of Al Gore and the official logo of the Democratic National Committee because we recieve no financial or social support and/or gain from either the Democratic National Committee and/or Team Al Gore 2004. Instead, all of font, logo and photo have been altered for the above reasons and show no legal connection with either the Democratic National Committee and/or Team Al Gore 2004 and should not be mistaken for those organizations, as well. This website is not officially nor legally affiliated with, endorsed by or in any way associated with Team Al Gore 2004, Democratic National Committee, member lobbyists, or any advertiser nor do we have any legal/business connection with the aforementioned entities, unless otherwise specifically stated, and marked with the standard photo, official logo and legal font. This website is a grassroots venture by the people, for the people, nothing more and nothing less. The said photos, logos and fonts are copyrighted and cannot be used without the express written and/or oral consent of Team Al Gore 2004 and Democratic National Committee. This is a Ricky Willy Daley affiliated member site. No federal candidate or federal candidate's authorized political committee has paid for or authorized this site. Al Gore for 2004 has constructed this website independent from any federal candidate's campaign. While constructing it, Al Gore for 2004 did not cooperate, consult with or act in concert with any federal campaign. If Al Gore for 2004 endorses a candidate, Al Gore for 2004 does notify the candidate about the website and endorsement via email, which was sent during the 2000 election with blessings over the endorsement and the idea of a ground swell, grass roots website, not the actual content of the said website. Because this is an independent groundswell grassroots effort and the total value of his expenditures does not exceed $250 during a calendar year, Al Gore for 2004 does not have to file reports with the Federal Election Commission ("FEC"). See FEC Advisory Opinion 1998-22. Al Gore for 2004 is similar to a newspaper or magazine, so its liability is limited in the same way the liability of a newspaper or magazine is. You should use this site’s information to determine the best candidates according to your individual values. 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