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Flight Around the World Challenge

Welcome to DeltaMike's and B 1 RD's attempt to circumnavigate the (FS2000/2002) world in 2 Mooney Bravo aircraft!

We aim to fly in real time, real weather,with full realism settings, complying with all Air Navigation Rules.We want to Invite you to share in our experience. Just log onto this page for regular up-dates on our progress, or contact us through the forum by clicking on the left button below.

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Route Map

Proposed Route:

Birmingham - Caen - Limoges - Nice - Ciampino - Souda - Akrotiri - Amman - Dahran - Muscat - Bombay - Jodhpur - Calcutta - Bangkok - Kuala Lumpur - Medan - Palembang - Jakarta - Yogyarkarta - Surabaja - Kupang - Darwin - Burketown - Cairns - Cape Rodney - Buka - Bucholz AAF - Johnston Atoll - Barking Sands - Santa Barbara - Big Bear - Boulder City - Colorado City - Canyon Lands - Kuger-Strong - Broken Bow - Webster City - Iowa.Co - Meigs - Sandusky City - Toronto - Pendleton - Quebec - Stephenville - Gander - Narsarsuaq - Reykjavik - Vagar - Birmingham.

Click Here To View Trip Log

About us:

DeltaMike_: Dave, Qualified Pilot - PPL. Holds FS2000 PPL, and IFR ratings.
B_1_RD: Steve, Air Traffic Control Assistant, Glider Pilot. Holds FS2002 PPL rating




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