George Louis Mitchell
My Adopted Father
Age 38 in this picture
Evelyn Lavina Yeoman Mitchell
My Adopted Mother
Age 30 in this picture
George and Evelyn Mitchell
My Adopted Parents
He's 52 here and she's 44
Alice Mitchell Stadnick
Age 51 here
She was my father's sister.
She connected them with Ruby Suterra
and Dr. Katherine Cole
Uncle Earl-L; Aunt Eleanor-Center
Francis Mitchell-Right-My Grandma
My Children
Cheryl 6, Rob 3
Robert William
Sharon and Cheryl Lynn
Taken July 4, 2001
Cheryl Lynn's DOB 3/3/1968
Sharon Annette Mitchell Mann
This is the picture of me taken by
The News-Observer
I was 50 years old here.