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Welcome to ....The Mood Room..
in Barry's Gallery of Canoe Art

The music is "Up Where We Belong"
song by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes ...

Here I will place for your viewing pleasure
pictures that are sort of
'moody'...(no canoes)
sit back, listen to the beautiful ballad and get 'moody'.
But, please take a look at the rest
of my Gallery with the links provided.....thanks!
If your browser sent you here first
you can go back to the "Lobby" of the
Gallery by clicking here.

(These pages are best viewed at 1024x768 resolution)

This is my favorite song. I do not profit from
the airing of this great song. Go buy the tape, I did!


"Passion on the Beach"



for the "Swaneerat"

Please paddle to my other rooms...and tell a friend.

Portrait Room
Canoe Room

The South Wall
My photos and canoe trips

The Lake effect

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