Hello there. Welcome to Pooh's Corner. I chose Pooh as the theme on this page cause well, if it's gonna be my "about me" page, then it's gotta have Pooh on it. I live in Florida with my husband and kids. My hobbies are reading, making web pages, paint shop pro, and cooking. I am one heckuva good cook if I do say so myself. :o) I'm a mom, a wife, a cat-lover and fancy myself a poet as well. I am of Irish/Welsh descent and proud of my heritage. Here's what I look like: If you have AOL, then this picture may look fuzzy. Don't ask me why! Just one more weird thing about them. NOW MORE USELESS STUFF TO FILL YOUR HEAD WITH: Rants and Raves People and other stuff I really don't like: People talking on cell phones while attempting to drive. People who only do their laundry when they have on their last clean pair of underwear and you KNOW who you are! Frogs---It is my belief that they are the imps of Satan unleashed on the world to do his evil. LOL. Now don't start sending me email about this statement, all you frog-lovers out there. All I know is I'm AFRAID of them and while it may seem an irrational fear to you, it's very real to me and JUST REMEMBER that one of the seven plagues in the Bible was frogs..well now that says a lot doesn't it? They're pretty doggone bad if even God considered them to be a plague! Cloudy days when it just won't rain Paper cuts beets (I mean why not just eat dirt?) Howard Stern Rush Limbaugh washing dishes running out of memory on my hard drive and having to re-boot all the time. dividing fractions (who the heck knows how to do this?) People and stuff I really do like ***WELL POOH OF COURSE, DUH! Tigger's cool too. *new car smell **any shape, form or fashion of Chocolate {my theory is you can never have too much chocolate} **snuggling with my kitty Leo. ***snuggling with my husband Steve. (couldn't leave you out, Honey) **lilies of the valley, roses, daffodils, honeysuckle, jasmine **Sunny days **Babies **Pie ***My Best Buds: Evanda, Robin, Di and Jarah...love you all! **Bubble baths ***Classic Rock music...it is my theory that Rock music never got any better after about 1975. Hence my love of oldies. **Jeopardy! *Suspense movies **Tom Hanks **Civil War literature and Civil War memorabilia **Christmas ****Spending time with my kids. :o)) Ok, I could think of lots more but in the interest of conserving time, I'll shut up now. a thotful gift from my dear friend Jarah Thanks Jarah. You rock!     ~ All Things Pooh ~   