After much success as musicans each member of Nsync all went back to school for a few years to study LAW. After failing law practices as separates the guys decided to come together again as a group and start their own Major Law Practice in Orlando. It all began on a lovely Monday Morning where you found Lance, JC, Chris and Justin standing outside their new office admiring the building in awe ready to begin serving the public as attorneys.

JC: Wow can you believe it we've opened our own law firm.

JUSTIN: Yeah I thought we were gonna be singing forever.

LANCE: Did Joey come back with the donuts yet?

CHRIS: Like that'll ever happen, he's probably eating them on his way right now.

LANCE: Joey? No he's not fifty bucks says he's not.

(Joey comes around the corner chewing on a donut)

CHRIS: What did I tell gimme ma money.

LANCE: Dude you expect me to pay you..

CHRIS: Yeah!

LANCE: Man whateva

(CHEWING) JOEY: What's up guys aren't you gonna open the door?

LANCE AND CHRIS: We dont' have the key.

LANCE: I thought JC had it?

JC: I don't have it... Chris is suppose to have it.

CHRIS: Don't look at me I don't have it.

JOEY: Well damn who got the keys.

(walking towards them slowly) BRITNEY: I do

JUSTIN: Who are you?

BRITNEY: JUSTIN!, it's me Britney remember we met back at the Club MMC.

JUSTIN: What! When!


JUSTIN: I'm just kiddin!

BRITNEY: I forgot to give you these last night.

JUSTIN; Thanks now go back home and count every straw of grass on the ground.


CHRIS: Dits.

LANCE: hehehehehehe

JC: What's so funny?

JOEY: Chris just called his girl a dits.

JOEY: Ouch.

CHRIS: Shut up stupid

JOEY: I'm not stupid, I know the capital of Orlando.

(blank stares)

CHRIS: My point exactly.

LANCE: Open the damn door before stupidity rubs off on me.

JUSTIN: Yeah I don't think I can handle more than one Joey like brains in the firm.

JOEY: Hey! I'm still standing here you know.

JC: Just open up.

(They all walked in slowly.)

JUSTIN: I want the biggest office.

JC: Hell no I want it.

CHRIS: Why you, I'm the oldest and that makes me the smartest I should get it.

JOEY: Get what?

JC: The big office duh Joey!

CHRIS: Remind me why I am working with you incompetent people again.

JOEY: Because you weren't making shit before and we were a good team before so you want to try again hoping we are successful.

CHRIS (looking at Joey weird): Thanks for clearing that up Joey.

JOEY: Anytime, Im not as stupid as you all may think.

JC: Riiiight!

JUSTIN: Well...well...I sang more songs when we were together.

LANCE: But we're not singing anymore.

(They all start yelling at once)

JOEY: Why don't we draw straws for it.

LANCE: Jeez Joey that's the first thing I've ever heard you say that made sense.

JUSTIN: It's a Miracle!

JOEY: What's a miracle?

CHRIS: Well there's hoping

JOEY: Just take a straw.

JOEY: Wahoo!

CHRIS: Damn! Not Him

JC: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

JOEY: I got the room... I got the big room.

JC: That's not fair I demand a redraw.

JUSTIN: He won fair and square JC.

JC: That's bullshit he couldn't have, it's not possible, I'm not suppose to lose to Joey.

LANCE: Now he's gonna get a lose his big head cause he lost the big room.

JC: I heard that lake placid.

LANCE: Who the cap fits let them wear it, I'll like to point out that I didn't say any names here...Tweezer.

CHRIS: Oh JC he went there are you gonna let him do you like that dude?

JUSTIN: Chris stop it.

JOEY: Yeah Chris is was hard enough breaking them up the last time. I should think your nuts still hurt.

CHRIS: Who said anything about me getting in the middle of them fighting again.

JUSTIN: I say let's watch them both kick each other's ass.

JC: Don't call me skinny...don't make me go crazy!

LANCE: Too late for that SKINNY!

JC: You got two seconds to apologize!

LANCE: What if I don't?

JC: (angrily) Then Imma break my foot off in your ass!

LANCE: (sounding sarcastic) OOOh I'm shaking in my boots, JC's gonna make me his bitch!

JC then grabs Lance by the tie. Lance in turn yanks JC by his.

JOEY: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to our first match between Lance "Lake Placid" Bass and Joshua "Tweezer" Chasez.

LANCE AND JC: Shut Up Joey.

(In walks their first client Jennifer Lopez)

JENNIFER: Oh I need a lawyer....umm aren't you guys singers? She then turns and look at Lance and JC staring each other down and holding each other's tie.

JENNIFER: I can come back another time.

JUSTIN: We not anymore.

JENNIFER: It doesn't matter anyway I'm desperate.

JOEY: That's my kinda gal right there!

Justin punches him on the shoulder!

JOEY! (rubbing his shoulder) Ouch that hurt!

CHRIS: Good it should!

JUSTIN: Sorry we're new at this and some people still got a few kinks to work out!

JENNIFER: (smilin sheepishly at Joey)I see what you mean.

LANCE (Adjusting his tie)Uuh let me be the first to introduce my self. (extends hand) Lance Bass Attorney At Law.

CHRIS: I'm Christopher Kirkpatrick Attorney at Law but you can call me Chris. I mainly specialize in criminal law.

JC: Josh Chasez Att...(interrupted by Jennifer)

JENNIFER: Lemme guess Attorney At Law!

JC looks at her and gives a small smirk.

JOEY: (waving his hand frantically in the air) Oh I'm Next I'm Next, pick me pick me.

Everyone including Jennifer looked at him puzzled.

JENNIFER: Look! enough of the introductions I need a lawyer.

CHRIS: (shyingly) Umm one more thing maam, first you have to pick which one of us five you want to represent you, it's our policy.

JENNIFER: Well since I didn't kill anyone then I don't need you (looking at Chris)..well...I'll take Joey Fatone.

JUSTIN: Why....he's the stupid one.

JENNIFER: Well if he is so stupid then why does he have the biggest office.

JOEY: Good point.

JC: Didn't I tell you to shut up.

JOEY: Fine I'll just take my client and go into my office.

JUSTIN and LANCE: (simultaneously) I need a cold shower.

(closes the door behind him)

CHRIS: Damn you see the ass on that one.

LANCE: Oh yeah

CHRIS: You know what...I bet Joey's first day in court he's gonna wear a shirt under that jacket that says I'm with stupid.

JUSTIN: Why do I agree with you?

(Meanwhile in the office)

JOEY: Ok.. why are you in need of my services.

JENNIFER: Well I'm being sued for firing my former backup dancer, he thinks I did it because he called off our engagement and he thinks he's entitled to some payment for that.

JOEY: Oh that's terrible.


JOEY: Why don't you join me over here on the couch and we can get into your case a little more.

JENNIFER: Well it all started when...........(inaudible)

(Joey Started day dreaming about a Salsa dance sequence with him and Jennifer)

JOEY: How about some music.

(turns on the radio and started playing R. Kelly's feeling on your booty)

JENNIFER: If you weren't a lawyer I would think you're coming on to me.

JOEY: Me Never, I'm a professional.

(Lance interrupted)

LANCE: Umm Joey your car is being towed.

JOEY: Damm!!!!!

(Joey runs out to his Car)

LANCE: Why don't you come into my office, I'm better equip to handle your case that Joey.

(smiling sheepishly at Jennifer)

That's it for this first installment of the Law Office Of eN eS whY eN Cee. Will Jennifer take Lance up on his offer to drop Joey as her lawyer or will she stay and continue with the torture of cheezy lines from Joey. Will Lance and JC settle the score or will they find mutual ground, find out on the next installment of the Law Office Of eN eS whY eN Cee!!!!

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