WHY 2k

Why is Lance cuter with the darker hair than the blonde?

Why won't Justin shut up about Britney?

Why has Chris suddenly became extremely hott to me ever since he broke up with Danielle?

Why did I feel bad when Chris broke up with Danielle?

Why do Lance fav. liqour drink is the same as mine mmm Jack n coke or in my case pepsi is good.

Why is JC suddenly seem to be acting more gay than ever?

Why does it seem like Wade is more of a sixth member than a choregrapher/producer?

Why did Michael Jackson invite only Justin to Neverland Ranch?

Why did Lance started showing off his girlfriend as soon as he got popular?

Why does groupie.com have Lance as being gay?

Why does GONE video seem like Justin Timberlake featuring Nsync?

Why did the Miami concert last only 37minutes?

Why did Justin say Sexitary instead of Secretary on the VMA's? I wonder what he had on his mind.

Why did it take so long for the real Nsync to come out they more are perverted than ever these days. ( I love them like this hehehehe)

Why is it taking so long to find a concept for "This I Promise You"

Why is the Spanish Version of Gone "terrifying"?

Why did my sister buy me the Nsync Backstage Pass Board game for Christmas...that was just wrrrronnnng!

Why was Justin looking so scared when it came to kissing the chick in GONE!

Why was Joey's head on Wade's body in a part of POP?

Why was Chris attempting to catch Justin in Making of the Video?

Why do I think Joey is gonna be a great father?

Why do I miss hearing Lance say "cuz Im from Mississippi"?

Why is JC now the dude with the hair? Who's next Lance?

Why do I feel JC is still driving the same Jeep Cherokee that he had since the first album?

Why is he still sorta homeless?

Why is he still so damn cheap?

Why did Bobbie and him did an article on relationship in J-14 and apparantly they're taking time off from each other the next month?

Why do I still think Joey is married?

Why is Joey considered the flirt if he is the one that has been with his girlfriend for over 8 years?

Why are some fans so stupid to hold Joey's parents snowman hostage for ransom. NOTE TO FAN: THEY CAN REPLACE THE DAMN THING!

Why did Nsync "sorta cussed" twice on Celebrity?

Why are they on BET?


Why did they cancel on Miami so many times?

Why do I think they should start their next tour here as a make up?

Why is Justin growing the fro again?

Why do I find their anti drug commercial to be really funny?

Why did Chris scream Don't touch me to JC at the end of the ad?

Why were they wearing such suits in the supermarket...no one goes shopping like that?

Why is Lance still all ticklish?

Why was Lance one of the only members to say thank you to some of the girlfriends in his thank you note?

Why was Chris' thank you a story, note to self must put up theory behind that thank you?

All these things keep me wondering!!! hmmmmmmm

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Email: lance_iz_poofu@iwon.com