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Trippin' 4

So, in 1978, I took a major canoe trip. Just exactly how does one paddle from Fayetteville, North Carolina, to St. Petersburg, Florida?

The start, July 3, 1978. Not a great picture. Used an instant camera at first. Things in the canoe were already getting wet from a week long downpour.

1. I started at a public boat ramp, on the Cape fear River in Fayetteville. It was pouring rain!

2. I took the Cape fear about 120 miles down stream to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. This runs down the east coast, some very open water, and some sheltered.

3. I stayed on the waterway until the Florida -Georgia line, where I went upstream on the St.Mary's river for about 110 miles, to St. George, Georgia.
I had tried to cross the Okefenokee Swamp, to pickup the Suwannee River on the other side, but was denied permission to cross, on a 13 mile trail, because I was alone! Even though I had just paddled nearly a thousand miles, alone.

4. At St.George, I enlisted the help of a young man to haul me and my canoe the 32 miles to Fargo, Georgia, and the Suwannee River. This is the only part of the trip that I did not paddle. A great disappointment, and I even hitched a ride to the swamp headquarters to "beg".

5.After the hard pull upstream on the St.Mary's, the elation upon reaching the Suwannee was undescribable!
I now had a 200 mile(plus) trip down stream to the Gulf of Mexico.

6. So, it was...the best part of the trip, the Suwannee River. Made famous by a man that never even seen the river, Stephen Foster, it remains a truly natural park!

7.From the mouth of the Suwannee, I turned south, most of the time and followed the coast down to St.Pete.
At times, I was ten or so miles off shore, due to shallow gulf waters. I went upstream on the Waccassa River for half a day, just to get supplies, and camp for a couple of days.

8. I went up the Anclote River, near New Port Richey, because I was given bad directions, and struggled to gain back the lost time against an incoming tide.

9. I used road maps, and got mixed up often, since my view was only a couple of feet above the water, and there is no 'road' signs on the waterways.

10. I ate alot, and still lost 33 pounds. I was asked for my autograph, and was declared 'stupid' for taking such a trip, and padded on the back, often in the same day!

Epiloge: I carried no perishable supplies. I used boxed and canned goods. I camped out at night,or paddled all night, depending on circumstance. My load was heavy, lightened as I grew smarter. I broke my #2 rib in the first week,but learned to tolerate the pain.(learned the true nature of the injury, years later with x-rays) I broke my heavy water paddle upon entrance to the Gulf of Mexico.
The rib and the paddle are still broke!
During the trip, after sun-blistered lips, and hard paddling, I learned the true appreciation of...ICE!

September 3, 1978. the end of my 'great' adventure.
After a conservative estimate of about 1500 miles,it was a sad day.

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