Live This Day Well

Live This Day Well

Believe in your heart
that something wonderful
is about to happen.
Don't wait
for some distant moon
to come,it may be too late
before you've even begun

Discover in each day
the magnificent,awesome beauty
in this world.
Believe in your own powers
and your own greatness,
and in your own goodness.

Not everyone
will agree with all you decide.
Be true to your own heart first.

The only important thing
in life is what you do
with the time you spend
here on mother earth.

Don't cloud today
with things that can't
be undone.
Look with high hope
to the horizon of today,
for today is all we really have.

Do not quiet the dreams
nor quench the desires.
For if you do,
your journey is ended.

Reach within
to find your own specialness.
You have only today
to begin again..
and follow your dreams,
for in the end
all we have are our memories.

Let those
who love you help you.
Explore and embrace life
in yourself and in everyone
you see each day.

Be open
to all your possibilities
and miracles...and Magic.
Love life. Love living.
Live this day well.
By J Miessau 2006
All rights reserved

May the Lord Bless you and keep you safe in His arms!

Thank you for dropping by and visiting with me!


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