My Friend My Love

My Friend My Love
My Friend I want to say
I thank you now and everyday
for being my friend
We have walked a long
road shoulder to shoulder
You and I

With steps that grew
bolder and bolder
You are my anchor and I yours
We stumble now and then
Knowing it never rains
but what it pours
On this road of mine and yours

But you grab my hand
and hold on tight
And I hold yours on
many a dark night
On days that we are apart
We hold each other tight
Close within each of our hearts

And now..
My Love..
You have no idea
how my heart and soul loves you.
I dream of you each night
because somewhere along
the friendship road
We held each other special tight.

You stole my heart,
and opened a door
So my love...
just in case you never knew
I'm telling you now,
I'll love you for evermore
And if you should go before me
Please wait ...
for me on that other shore
By Bonnie Ray © 2002
All rights reserved
Used with Permission

May You always be covered by God's pure love!

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