To Live For Other's

When there is sadness in my heart
and tears invade my eyes,
I look upon the flowers
and the beauty of the skies.
I contemplate the blessings
that my God has given me
and all the comfort
and the joy of every memory.

And if the clouds are dark
and if the rain is on the street,
I think of other people
in their hour of defeat.
And I compare my lot with theirs
and what they have in store,
and always it appears to me
that I have so much more.

And then I see my failure
and the courage that I need
to live my life unselfishly
in thought and word and deed.

Author unknown

To know someone here or there
with whom you can feel there
is an understanding in spite of distances
or thoughts unexpressed that can make of
this earth a garden.

May God Bless you all!
Thank you for visiting with me.

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