The Living Waterfall

The Living Waterfall

The Living Waterfall
The rushing of a waterfall
The trickling of a stream
Power to inspire and soothe
Have both, it does seem

Why this connection
Between water and heart?
How can I explain this?
Where can one start?

Transparent and pure
Water has power to cleanse
We see also this power
Through a Biblical lens

Waters baptize and renew
Washing signifies a new start
No wonder this sweet tie
Between water and the heart

The sight of a waterfall
The sound of its rushing flow
Wash over us divine comfort
Peace and inspiration grow

The movement of waters
Keeps them pure and clean
Felt, as they flow into the heart
Not simply heard and seen

For God seems to speak

In the waters created by His Hand
He says Drink of my Living Water,
Enter now the Promised Land

For the Living Water of Christ
Quenches always the thirst
It brings to us life eternal
Beginning and end, forever and first

This connection then is sacred
Between water and the heart
God is ever intentional
In the creation of His Art

So let the waters rush and flow
Let the streams meander and wind
Let us wash our hearts from sin
Renewing the spirit and the mind

And we embrace the Living Water
The Gift that Jesus longs to give all
We celebrate the blessing of eternal life
As we stand in awe of His Waterfall
© Caroline Gavin
Purposeful Pathway
Used with permission

John 4:13 (KJV) But whosoever drinketh of the water
that I shall give him shall never thirst;
but the water that I shall give him shall
be in him a well of water springing
up into everlasting life

May the Lord Bless you and keep you safe in His arms!

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