Here is the Works Cited from my research paper as well as some other books I recommend:
Culbreath, Steven. “Celtic Customs and Life.” My Celtic Grounds. Online. Internet.
9 Jan. 00. Available:
Culbreath, Steven. “Celtic History, Warfare, and Armory.” My Celtic Grounds. Online.
Internet. 9 Jan. 00. Available:
Hubert, Henry. The Greatness and Decline of the Celts. London: Constable and
Company Limited, 1987.
Matthews, Caitlin and John. The Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom. London: Element
Books Limited, 1994.
Papanek, John L., ed. The Celts: Europe’s People of Iron. Lost Civilizations. Canada:
Time-Life Books, 1994.
Perry, Epona. “Epona’s Celtic Pagan FAQ v 1.0.” Epona’s Celtic Cauldron. Online.
Internet. 10 Jan. 00. Available:
"The Mabinogion"-A collection of Welsh tales first written in the 13th century. "Irish Myths and Legends" by Lady Gregory-A good book with alot of important texts enclosed with very good translations. "Glamoury:Magic of the Celtic Green World" by Steve Blamires-A book about Celtic spirituallity.