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Your Chausies Webring

To join this webring, you simply need a webpage for or about Chausie cats. Webpages should contain significant information and/or pics of Chausies. Educational information, pet or breeder experiences, and "cute stories" about your Chausie are welcome.

No sites comprised of just links.
No copyright violations. If you use pics or information that are not your own, you must have the author/owner's permission and give proper credit on your site.
No sites depicting animal abuse.
No "breeder bashing."
No offensive material, this is a "family friendly" webring.

Submit a site to Your Chausies Net Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:
Site Owner:
EMail Address:
Site Description:

After filling out this from, your site will be moved to the queue for approval. The HTML fragment will be sent to you by email, along with instructions on how to insert the code into your webpage. Please do not edit the code, other than adjustments that may be required by your server for the image to load (the only place this adjustment may be needed is where the code says IMG SRC="yourchausies.jpg". Your server may require you to direct the image to a folder.) Please place the HTML code on the page you are submitting. If you do not want the ring code on your main page, please register the page you will be putting the ring code on. After you have inserted the HTML fragment into your webpage, please email me so I can review your site for approval. Also, to save the image for use with the netring code, please right-click on the image (below) and save it on your server. Please do not link to the image on my site. *NOTE: The image to be used with the netring code will probably change soon. If you sign up to join the netring prior to the change, I will either email you and direct you back to this page for the new image to use, or I will send it to you be email along with instructions on how to change the ring code for that image, if you choose to make the change. This is a brand new netring, so please bare with me if there are any bugs that need to be worked out in the code. Thanks.


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This RingSurf Net Ring is owned by Your Chausies Netring

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