Theories About Space
7/6 - cdpaxson - Cosmotologists, on the large majority belive that the universe is a flat cylinder, expanding in diameter. Almost all astrophysics support this theory.
ephraiml - There are three possible ways [the universe] could be expanding, which it is right now. The first is that we are expanding too fast, if this is true then everything gets too far apart and all atoms stop moving, where we then enter a big freeze. The second possibility is that we are moving to slow and all the matter slows down, but then reverses and we have a big crunch, which will lead to a big bang. The last possibility is that if you look at space as a two dimensional thing, with time being the third dimension, the universe is actually the shape of a saddle or a Pringle chip. If this is so all the matter remains close enough so we don't have a freeze, but it also doesn't collapse on itself. It may be hard to understand at first, but space can in theory fold on itself.
Well, I guess I do not know THAT much about science, so I cannot readily respond to the above responses. Thank you cdpaxson and ephraiml for stating the things that I am not as educated in. I think that whatever the actual shape is (defined by the arrangement of particles in space), it still works with my theory. Basically, any shape can fit into the sphere I refer to below. The only modification is that the particles are not evenly distributed within that sphere. The main points of my theory are the expansion of the universe, the empty void beyond the universe, and the point where the universe "ends."
6/12 - Basically there is a center of the universe where the big bang happened at the beginning of time. Out from that particles are moving further away from that center, tending towards entropy (the tendency for particles toward randomness). They move out into absolute nothingness. Nothingness is an infinite black void and humans have a hard time understanding it. Basically the universe has no definite shape but I like to define the universe as a sphere for its ease of comprehension. The sphere has the center at the point of explosion and has a radius the length of the distance from the center to the farthest particle from it. The universe is expanding, and if you were to travel past the last particle from the center then you become the last particle and therefore are expanding the universe. Look at the picture for clarification:
The blue dot is the center, the brown things are particles and anything else like solar systems, etc. that are in the universe, and the line is the radius with the endpoint at the last particle from the center. The grey is what I am defining as the universe. The black is the nothingness.
I'm reminded of The Nothing in The Neverending Story. That used to be my favorite movie when I was a kid, but that's besides the point.