On a Mountain Road in India
Sent by Julie Gehring on 6/28 -
The trip to the slaughter
house is painful in any country. Especially in India, though. Cows
in India are held sacred. However, a few states there have legalized the
slaughter of animals. What happens then is that they must travel horrible
marches to states where they can be legally murdered and skinned. These
cows orginate from farmers who have no idea they are going to be killed.
Cows roam the streets freely there. These death marches push the extremes
of any sort of abuse...
On a Mountain Road in India
by Ingrid Newkirk
On the bend in the mountain road
where the cattle have been dropped---
dropped, thrown, dragged from the
I kneel in the dirt beside you now,
your horns against my ear.
Your massive cow face in my hands.
I remember the experts said, "Watch
A single blow from that huge head can
kill a man.
That head weighs as much as your
whole body.
Whatever you do, beware of those
But you have known people all your
Grew up with little boys goading you
down dusty streets.
Sat in the evening in the village
listening to the birdswatching the cooking
grateful to the man
who unhitched the yoke
and let you graze.
Your eyes are weeping from the tobacco
and green chili peppers
smeared inside them
by men who thought the burn would
make you stand,
that twisting your tail
until it snapped the sixth or eigth
would make you rise.
But a bull with a broken pelvis can't get
his feet.
You let me dig deep
into the corner of your eyes
searching for the seeds and leaves
through my tears and yours.
You sit patiently while I pour water into
to flush out the pain.
I leave you and walk away
with the others,
moving through the assembly
of cattle horrors
throughout the night.
In the afternoon, we return
to the mound.
You are sitting in the drizzle
all alone now
looking out over a stunning
of the Nilgiri Hills.
I kneel beside you.
and tell you that I love you.
For I do,
with all my aching heart.
You must have known
we could never make your body whole
You must have known
you could never pull a cart again.
Or plough a field,
or stroll down to the river
to feel the cool water on your velvet
The needle pierces your vein
making you jump
just a little,
trying not to make a fuss,
not bucking or butting,
not turning your horns the crucial
that would impale us.
Your eyes close quietly
and you slip away
to dance with Lord Krishna
and play games with Ganesh.
Somewhere, miles away now,
the other walk on still.
Tomorrow they will find themselves in a
new hell.
Upside down, their faces offal,
their eyes screaming,
"This can't be happening to me!"
We will see their bodies
hanging in the market next week,
hacking into cuts for the table.
And I will think of you every day
looking into my eyes without surprise.
It's amazing to me that anyone could hurt another
creature so maliciously and unmercilessly. It hurts the core of my
very soul to know that people do this on a daily basis. It hurts even more
to know it is a norm in our society and few question it.