Writ Writers, Whistleblowers, and Retaliation
This complaint and the information included are representative of conditions throughout the Florida DOC facilities. I have presented my complaint outside of the FBI in Gainesville because there is also a goodly amount of evidence that they have been playing too long in the DOC's backyard.
This complaint and the information included with it are simply representations of general and widespread conditions in the DOC facilities in Florida. I reiterate, the cases presented to you are only a small sampling of what occurs in the Florida prisons and I want to make it perfectly clear that, if need be, I can present you with many more cases such as these.
Bear in mind that there are many more rules, laws, treaties that have been violated and many more stories to tell. I simply tried to keep this to a minimum.
Also, keep in mind that it is not my place to prove any of the allegations, but to offer you information that would compel you to find the truth about Florida prisons through your investigative agencies. I, as a citizen, call for immediate and far-reaching investigations of the State of Florida's Department of Corrections.
In light of the foregoing cases, arguments, evidence and the numerous violations of the International Treaties, United States Constitution, Florida Statutes, and even the Florida's DOC own rules, I respectfully request that a complete FBI investigation be performed in accordance with all laws and that all public servants , whether elected or appointed, or hired, to also be treated in accordance with the appropriate laws.
Govern Yourself Accordingly.
Kay Lee
1290 Overlook Terrace
Titusville, FLorida 32796
October 30, 2001
Complaints were sent to 26 agencies from the Secretary of the Florida DOC all the way to the World Court in Hague. All were sent 'return receipt requested' and all receipts have been received.
** The Washingon office of the FBI has informed me that the Complaint is now in the hands of the Investigative Division and has invited any other evidence in this matter.
** A letter from THE WHITE HOUSE was finally received dated October 7, 2002
Dear Ms. Lee
Thank you for contacting President George W. Bush for assistance with an agency of the Federal government. I am responding on behalf of the President.
Due to mail screening procedures, we have only recently received your letter. We appreciate your patience in awaiting this response.
The White House is sending your inquiry to the Department of Justice, which will review your correspondence. this agency has the expertise to address your concerns. They will respond directly to you, as promptly as possible.
The president sends his best wishes.
Desiree Thompson
Special Assistant to the President
and Director of Presidential Correspondence
** The FDLE also responded, saying that they could not investigate unless death occured.
FBI Citizen's Complaint main page
Where people found guilty of non-violent activities live among people guilty of violence under the same dreadful guards and the same frightening conditions.