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People shouldn't have to come to me about problems like this: The solution should be simple:  I shouldn't even have to call Warden Decker or talk to the chaplain or complain to Tallahassee. Union doctors should simply treat Mr. Poole's asthma and any other medical conditions causing his problems and give him a medical pass not to work around chemicals and fumes.  Shouldn't be a problem for anybody, right?

But simple cases are made frustratingly difficult in the DOC, particularly at Union CI, where unprofessional guards almost invariable cause my writers trouble.  As soon as Daniel appears on this website, he will probably have additional problems in the form of irate guards. I know, it seems foolish to worry since he's not complaining about the guards themselves, but for some reason errant employees take a prisoner's complaint as a personal insult.  Instead of the problem being taken care of, errant guards, if they follow previous Union patterns, will probably turn this into a personal revenge game against Mr. Poole.  For that reason, I am very reluctant to add him to the site and only do so because his request has been repeated.  The chemicals are really causing him distress and he needs medical care and a change of work environment.

Mr. Decker, do you think we could fix this without too much hassle?
Kay Lee

DANIEL POOLE  DOC Inmate PhotoDear Ms. Kay Lee.

I am writing in reference to your website, MTWT.  My name is Daniel Poole.  I am 47 years old and I have been in prison since August 23, 2000.  I am at Union CI.

I used to work here at the job site entitled "New Construction" building an addition for this prison.

I have health problems, Asthma, among other health issues, so I was taken off that job after many months of complaining to the medical department.  I don't know if you are aware of it or not, but receiving adequate and professional medical care here is not easy to say the least.  I know of many neglect cases, but I can only speak of my case.

Now I am assigned to a Houseman job, which consists of me cleaning a dormitory using chemicals which triggers my asthma problem and even breaks me out in a rash.

I have brought this issue up to officials many times, but my pleas only seem to fall upon deaf ears. 

I'm told your site helps men such as me and let's the public know of the indignities we suffer?  You have my permission to air my problem if you will. 

I do not dare make too much noise as it may cause retaliation and only serve to hurt me.  Your name is not welcome here, as it raises red flags, so I am taking a grave risk in even sending this out to you.  I know your intent and mission is honorable, but your name alone is dangerous, so I guess I am telling you that I am more than willing to suffer to see that the message gets out.

Daniel Poole
Union CI
7819 N.W. 228th Street
Raiford, Florida  32026-4140

March, 2003


Sgt. Cox and Sgt. Curtis

On March 15, Saturday night, Daniel appeared to be having a stroke.  We want to recommend Sgt. Cox and Sgt. Curtis who work the 4PM to midnight shift, for their swift and compassionate attention to Mr. Poole, by rushing him to medical, and getting him help in the crucial first few minutes. 

Medical at UCI recommended he be taken to the hospital in Jacksonville.  He was back in his dorm early Sunday morning, where it was determined that he has Bell's Palsy, which closely resembles a stroke, but which affects the upper and lower part of the face with paralysis, and may also affect the eyes by not being able to produce tears properly. 

Some of the men in Daniel's dorm have asked that readers send him get well wishes during this time.  

Mr. Daniel Poole
Union CI
7819 N.W. 228th Street
Raiford, Florida  32026-4140

Friday, April 11, 2003

Daniel Poole got transferred out today!  He went to Baker CI, which is not far from UCI.  He was medium custody.  He gets out next year, I believe...

Daniel continues to improve!  He can close and open his eye and is getting more and more movement on the affected side of his face!  This looks like a good sign for a good recovery!  He attributes his improvement to the medical care he needed for so long and to the wonderful people who lifted his spirit by writing. I hope many people will continue to write him occasionally.  He is very grateful.

DC # 363485
P.O. Box 500  U.S. 90
Sanderson, Florida  32087-0500



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