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Dwight Eaglin DOC Inmate Photo

Dwight "Tommy" Eaglin is reportedly the man who used the homemade ladder (where did they build it and hide it?) to escape over the inner wall of Charlotte CI. 

According to reports, he, like the others involved in the Charlotte Escape Attempt, had just been transferred from Union CI as part of Crosby's POPULATION ADJUSTMENT MOVEMENT

I do not condone Mr. Eagin's part in the incident that caused the death of the female guard, I'm just not sure what his part was.  The DOC has covered up so much in the past, that it has become difficult to believe anything they say.  Therefore, those of us who have dealt with them for years no longer accept any situation at face value.

I wish I could say we will know for sure when the investigation is over (which by the way is being handled by FDLE, which seems strange when, by law, it should be done by the sheriff of the county), but we've investigated the investigations before and know they are too often done by agencies too closely affiliated with the DOC, or by inspector's who came up through the ranks, often having committed the same kinds of transgressions on their way up as those they are investigating.

I also don't trust any situation where witnesses and participants are immediately silenced.  If things are as the DOC reports, I don't see the necessity of cutting off communication. At this time, no letters are able to get in or out to the Charlotte prisoners involved - we know - we've tried.

I know how the DOC vilifies prisoners, particularly when the crime they are accused of involves injury of an officer.  I don't know about Officers, but guards, like cops, tend to take things very personally, using public authority to avenge personal grudges.  Therefore I have talked to people who know and like Mr. Eaglin so that we may look at him, not as a monster who killed a guard, but as a human being who may or may not have found himself in a desperate situation.  He deserves that because, believe me, the rest of his life within the Florida Department of "Corrections" is going to be pure hell.  Non-professionals will make sure of that! Kay Lee


Kay Lee, I am a very close friend of Dwight Eaglin. He was the person who tried to escape from Charlotte Correction Center, when the woman guard was killed.

He was moved to Florida state prison. We are very scared for his safety and don't know where to turn. Of course no one will tell his family anything. And as of right now I can't even get letters in to him. I don't know if, or who to hire for a lawyer. I am afraid of more retaliation. If you would please give me some insight into where do I go, who can I talk to.

I received a letter from an inmate at Raiford.  He wrote to me for Tommy. He said they are feeding him and letting him take a shower. However all he has is a pair of boxers and toilet paper. No clothes, mattress and so on. The gentleman who wrote suggested I call Tallahassee and report this.

Also is there any chance of me ever getting Tommy's personal property from Charlotte, letters, pictures etc? His foster mom recently passed away and some of that stuff can never be replaced. I spoke to the property room at FSP and they do not have anything.

Let Me Tell Ya About Tommy
Friday, June 27, 2003

Dwight Thomas Eaglin, friends and family call him Tommy. I met Tommy when he was 11 years old. He was living in a residential treatment center in Illinois when I started working with kids. Blonde hair, blue eyes, smart, athletic, just an all around neat kid who had no one. His father was locked up, and he hadn't seen his mother since he was around 3 years old.

He was placed at Nachusa by a judge for running away from bad foster homes.  He and I just clicked, we've always gotten along. I introduced him to some really good friends of mine who became a visiting resource for Tommy for holidays.

Like I said Tommy was very smart and very athletic. At the age of 15 he began boxing, in six months he won state, regional and went to the nationals. He was the captain of his football team and the president of his high school class.

I moved to Florida to be closer to my parents, and on Tommy's 18th birthday, I flew home and brought him back down here to live with me. I introduced Tommy to the rest of our family, yes I said our family because that is what it is. My mom and dad are grandma and gramps, my brothers, sister and nieces and nephews all love Tommy.

The whole family fell in love with him so once again he became a foster child. They did not have other foster children and did not want any others, they just wanted Tommy to be a part of their family.

I have been one of a very few people who have never turned their back on Tommy. He calls me his aunt, because he has a mom, Laurie his foster mom. As for me, I have only 1 kid and that's Tommy. I love him like I can only imagine a mom should. And in our family you don't turn your back on your loved ones. The way I see it is Tommy needs me more now than he ever has. From the 11 year old kid who had no one to a 27 year old man who at least has us. If I would of known then how things where to turn out, I would still have only 1 kid - Tommy.
Jill Hussung 


The Tommy (Dwight Eaglin) we know? We will never accept the terrible tragedy that Tommy was involved in, but we want you to know the Tommy we know and love.

After our daughter (Jill) brought Tommy to Florida, he worked for the family in construction.  He was a very good and hard worker, capable of doing most jobs.  He attended Church with us several times and would say grace at our Sunday dinners when asked.

The problem started after Tommy's last prize fight, where he earned a big sum of money and was introduced to drugs.  We could see a change in him.  We believe the drugs plus the medicine he was on (PROZAC) caused Tommy's troubles.  To us Tommy was always a nice and thoughtful young man that everyone liked.  

Tommy had told us about the abuse he experienced as a young boy and how he had been moved from foster home to foster home.  It is not hard for us to see how and why he got himself into trouble.  Again we can never accept the terrible things that have happened.

This letter is to introduce you to the Tommy we know.  Please pray for him.

Ed and Barb Hussung


Tommy is a very special person in my heart.  l am Jill's mother and was called Grandma by Tommy.  He was brought into our family as an outsider but immediately became a member to all of us.  He was very upbeat and smiling and brought a lot of very happy times to all of us.

He was always here to do any work we needed done no matter what the job was and even doing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen after a dinner.  He always wanted to help and make it easier for us.

Birthdays and Christmas always brought gifts from Tommy.  He always had a big smile and waiting to see  you open his gift and get his thank you kiss and hug.

l will always feel Tommy is part of me and loved very much.  lt hurts very much for the things that have happened in his short life, but my strong faith and love is there for him.

Barbara Hussung


Kay Lee,
Thank you for posting the things we wrote about Tommy, and for the
things you've said. Only one thing, the paragraph about being loved by the family, and foster child that goes along with the visiting resource. I was speaking about his foster family.

As for anything being said in a letter. No Tommy went back on Prozac around the beginning of the year. I told him I did not like that drug and what it does to him. Tommy's thoughts were if he wasn't drinking or using drugs maybe it would help.

Soon after, his mom's health got worse. We spoke about me going home, we chose for me to go while she was still alive. Tommy spoke to her the day I arrived and wished her a Happy Birthday. He got locked down that weekend for a fight with 2 inmates.

He was released in time to talk to his mom one more time before she passed. I went to the visiting park to let Tommy know. Tommy was changing, he was different. He seemed more paranoid. He told me " I think I have gone from manic depressant to paranoid delusional." He did not talk about escaping. He even had me send $20.00 into an inmate who was working on his appeal. I don't understand any of this either.

If I want to complain about him not receiving mail, clothes, a mattress, who do I call in Tallahassee?  Jill 


(This information was current as of 6/13/03)

DC Number:  166224
Race:  WHITE
Sex:  MALE
Eye Color:  BLUE
Height:  5'07''
Weight:  155
Birth Date:  12/23/1975
Initial Receipt Date:  01/23/2001
Current Classification Status:  MAXIMUM MANAGEMENT
Current Custody:  CLOSE
Current Release Date:  SENTENCED TO LIFE
Current Prison Sentence History:
Offense Date Offense Sentence Date County Case No. Prison Sentence Length
02/27/1998 1ST DG MUR/PREMED. OR ATT. 01/10/2001 PINELLAS 9804083 SENTENCED TO LIFE


Inmate Population Information Detail says (This information was current as of 6/11/03)  On 6/14/03 he is still listed as living at Charlotte CI.
Kay Lee

June 23th, Dwight Eaglin is now at FSP with the others involved. Usually when the DOC moves a prisoner, a new picture is posted. I find it interesting to note that the picture of Mr. Eaglin was not changed when he was transferred. Perhaps the result of his treatment by angry guards would show: I could be wrong, but I could be right.

He is confined in an area where, according to the St. Pete Times, 7 out of 10 of the guards themselves had criminal records when they were hired.  They have shown themselves to be good at bringing a man close to death without killing him - except occasionally - as in the case of Frank Valdes.

(This information was current as of 6/22/03)

Inmate Photo
DC Number:  166224
Race:  WHITE
Sex:  MALE
Eye Color:  BLUE
Height:  5'07''
Weight:  155
Birth Date:  12/23/1975
Initial Receipt Date:  01/23/2001
Current Classification Status:  MAXIMUM MANAGEMENT
Current Custody:  CLOSE
Current Release Date:  SENTENCED TO LIFE


You know, a statement is usually on the DOC site by now when something this horrific happens, but nothing as of yet.

The inmate numbers changed from yesterday to 556.  I'm getting this number from the DOC website. 

I wonder what promises might have been made to inmates, or what threats to them, to get them to try something that they must have known would fail?  A "MAKE-SHIFT LADDER"???? HIDE IN THE DORM THERE?  Why not go back to the infirmary or the cell, anywhere; Say she sent me back, didn't feel well enough to work, any number of excuses!  I'm sure they are smart enough to do better at this than I can,  but hide in that place, to be inspected? 

Did they see something that no one would believe if they told it, & then they made these crazy decisions because they knew they would be blamed & they were stuck in it neck deep & no way out?  What or who is going to get to "the bottom" of it ?  There is more here than meets the ear, `cuz it just don't add up is exactly right! To many things don't fit, many pieces to the puzzle missing yet. Bev

You've raised some valid  questions.  Hope I'm wrong, but we may never know if this investigation isn't done properly.

Send this to the reporter --- they like to investigate stuff like this-- they don't know what we know and don't know possibly the questions to ask---- I sent him some last night -- about what was a crew doing working that late???   bea




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