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It has come to our attention that many of the prisons in Florida are limited on their shoe supply.  Prisoners from various institutions  are reporting holes in their shoes,  ill-fitting shoes, and a total lack of shoes.  Families have reported seeing the proof of this in some of the prison visiting rooms.

Kay Lee,

There are inmates at New River West that have tried and can't even get correct shoes, some are wearing shoes that are two different sizes, or size 13's when they need size 10's.

An unnamed mother
October 2003

In an effort to bring this to the attention of the Florida DOC, the Lolits emailed them  about the problem and received a response on Dec. 19th from David Stewart of the DOC, who stated in an email cc:ed to DOC's  Richard Dugger and Jerry Vaughan:

"I am responding to the NO Shoes e-mail of Wednesday, December 18, 2002. If you can provide me with additional information I will be happy to assist. We have NO reports of barefooted inmates in the FDC. There are systems in place by which an inmate can request new shoes should theirs become unserviceable.

if you can provide me the specific location, inmate name and DC number I will be happy to investigate.  Thanks, Dave Stewart, Bureau Chief Field Support Services."

We realize that no one prisoner wants to be named alone, so our plan is to compile a list of prisoners who do need shoes and when we have more than 50 we will present the list to Mr. Stewart. I will also publish the list here at . Retaliation is less likely the more names are on that list.

We need your help to make this project a success. We need you to send this message far and wide.  Let your prisoners know about it and ask that they spread the word. 

It will take a bit of courage for the first to step forward, but if we can't step forward on the issue of shoes, then what changes do we expect to ever see in the Florida system? 

There is greater safety in numbers and the list won't be released - as I said- until there are at least 50 names on it.  If there is any form of retaliation we will publicize it to the best of our ability. 

If you have knowledge of any prison that is not handing out proper footwear to their prisoners; If you know of any prisoner who does not have a pair of proper-fitting shoes, is wearing damaged shoes that should be replaced, or no shoes at all, please contact us in the following ways.

By Snail Mail:

Bea Lolit
PO Box 245671
Hollywood, Fl. 33024-5671

By Email:

The names will be kept private until we reach 50, at which time I will put the entire project onsite with the growing list of prisoners who need shoes.  The entire list of names will be sent to Mr. Stewart in the expectation that he will keep his word, do an honest investigation  and supply the shoes that the DOC's budget allows for. (I hope his investigation turns up guards who rumor has it are possibly selling inmate footwear at flea markets, at least one of which may be, or at least used to be,  owned by 'law enforcers'.)

Yours in Light,
The Lolits and Kay Lee
Making The Walls Transparent

If you have noticed a problem with footwear in any Florida prison, jail or other institution funded by state money,
Please contact
Kay Lee

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