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"We'll Have Someone Check"


From: Secretary Crosby
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 2:08 PM
RE: Another crime against an inmate involving Correctional Officers

We'll have someone check.
James V. Crosby, Jr.

From: Kay Lee

To: FDOC James Crosby <>
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 10:43 PM

Secretary Crosby, you and I have never spoken, but I feel it is necessary to explain to you that just 'having someone check' on the Okeechobee situation isn't going to be enough to satisfy many of us.

I've seen some of the improvements that you have been making and credit you with trying in many areas.
Unfortunately, the main area that needs your intense scrutiny is in the guards' misuse of their position and their unhealthy disregard for public department policies. I see little being done to bring unprofessional employees into line. 
All it would take to slow down the abuse and calm the families a bit would be a hard line stance on your part.  Perhaps bringing some of the perpetrators to light would be a good place to begin.
The officers involved in the 'incident' at Okeechobee is just one small drop in a very large pool of errant guards
Now we have the case of the two inmates accused of assaulting officers at Washington CI, Tracy Wright #361209, and Darrell Jenkins #306233.  After the 'assault' both were immediately shipped to FSP.  I have a pit in my stomach imagining the abuse they are being subjected to tonight. 
I won't pretend to know what really happened, but I do know the pattern.  The majority of inmates do not go up against an officer unless they were provoked beyond the human ability to 'turn the other cheek'.  I will seek the truth, but my suspicions are that there is much more to the story than the public has been told. 
FSP is known for guards who are experts at inflicting punishment, normally pulling back before sending an inmate into death - but not always, as you well know.
Mr. Wright and Mr Jenkins will not be forgotten.  We will continue to uncover as much as possible, and I think we've shown you that we are getting pretty good at exposing the underbelly of the DOC. 
What we need is for you to take command, publically demand better answers and explanations from your employees than "he did it to himself" type nonsense. 
You, Mr. Crosby, can demand professionalism from the keepers and the abuse may not stop, but we know without a doubt, it will slow way down.  This Washington CI case would be a good place to begin to get the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Thank you for what you have done and we will be waiting to see what you do in the future.
Kay Lee
4900 Olson Drive # 69
Eau Claire, WI 54703.



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