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Reprisals & Retaliation by Charlotte "Correctional" Officials
August 7, 2002

Once again, Florida guards use toilet paper as a management tool!

From: "Kay Lee" <>
To: "FL Gov Jeb Bush" <>
Cc: "FDOC Charlotte CI" <>;
"FDOC FredSchuknecht, Inspector General of DOC" <>;
"FDOC Michael Moore, Secretary" <>
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 8:07 PM


TO: Jeb Bush

CC: Secretary Michael Moore

Inspector General Fred Schuknecht

RE: Naming Lieutenant Stewart and Sergeant Douglas of Charlotte 'Correctional' Institution Florida Dept. of "Corrections"

CRIME: 1. Retaliating on prisoners for using their right to the grievance process.
2. Using toilet paper as a management tool!

VICTIM: Robert H. Brush # 121765
Charlotte CI
33123 Oil Well Road
Punta Gorda, 33955

ENCLOSED: Inmate Account and 7 Witness Statements

MTWT is calling for a full investigation of Lieutenant Stewart's policies regarding retaliation for grievances.  Also asking that neither Robert Brush nor his seven witnesses suffer any
further retaliation for reporting Lieutenant Stewart's indiscretions.


I remember Lt. Stewart, when he was Arsenal Sgt. at Charlotte in 1992. He's a real JERK and had a nasty attitude with staff and inmates. He's a tall, white, thin man, and I heard regularly if a riot broke out at CCI, he would be one of the first they'd go after.

Ex-10 year DOC employee

I am writing to inform you that I am now in A/C Confinement for a prefabricated disciplinary report that the laundry officer/sergeant wrote me for disorderly conduct.

She really made up a hell of a story. I am now in A/C confinement and the living conditions are very brutal. I haven't been given any sheets or toilet paper, since I was put in here on August 6, 2002 at approximately 1350 hours.  I am now sleeping on a raw (sp?)
DOC Inmate Photo mattress that is unsanitized and damaged.   I have no tooth brush and no tooth paste etc.

Please help me out. They are continually retaliating against me for filing grievances here at Charlotte CI.

Thank you for your time & help.

Robert H. Brush # 121765
Charlotte CI
33123 Oil Well Road
Punta Gorda, 33955

Attached to this letter were 7 general affidavits by 7 other prisoners.

1)  Anthony  Stowers # 256350 states in a sworn affidavit:

On 7/31/02 at approximately 8:30 am, I, Inmate Stowers, tried to obtain a law library pass from work supervisor Officer Knighton and I was denied the right to due process at 3:00 pm.  I took this problem to OIC . While speaking with the Captain, Lieutenant Stewart approached and asked if I was the inmate that had obtained a law library pass from mental health. When I replied, "yes sir", he began to yell. He stated, "You know I have a shit list and you are number 1 on it".  After cussing me out several times, he went back next door to his own office, ending the conversation with, " I don't care if you ever get access to the law library". I asked him how I could gain access to complete my appeal and he jumped from his seat and came suddenly into my face. I really thought he was going to strike me. He began to scream, "Shut the f--k up when I'm talking. I'm a free world person. I'll lock you up. Now get the f--k out of here right now".

This was not the first incident. I obtained knowledge from Robert Brush that he has also been threatened by Lieutenant Stewart.

2)  Reginal Rosier # 431043 states in a sworn affidavit:

On 7-30-02 at approximately 9:30 am, I observed Inmate Brush scrubbing the concrete sidewalk in the middle of the crosswalk and it was very hot.  I heard
Sergeant Douglas tell Inmate Robert Brush, "Boy, you better work or your ass is going to jail".

3)  Allen Derrick # M26909 states in a sworn affidavit:

On 7-30-02, while I was on break from school, at approximately 10 am, I saw Inmate Brush scrubbing the concrete sidewalk with a broom in hand. I questioned Inmate Brush and asked him why he was in the hot-ass sun scrubbing a side walk that was already clean. He told me he was being punished for filing grievances.

I have also been experiencing the same type of harassment, because I also had to file grievances against prison officials. Now I get dirty looks and have officers trying to write false disciplinary reports.

4)  Johnny D Davis # 102915  states in a sworn affidavit:

On 7-30-02 at approximately 10:30 am, I briefly spoke to my  roommate , Robert Brush, as I was returning to work from the canteen. At that time, Brush told me
Lieutenant Stewart and Sergeant Douglas was retaliating against him because of some grievances he filed, by making him scrub a side walk that was already clean. Brush looked stressed out to the point of breaking down. He asked me if I would write this statement as to what I saw.

5)  Anthony M Walker # V07050 states in a sworn affidavit:

At approximately 9:30 am , I heard
Sergeant Douglas yell at inmate Brush at the crosswalk, "You better scrub every black spot on the concrete or your ass is going to jail".  This happened on 7-30-02

6)  Jessie Haydel #423149 states in a sworn affidavit:

On July 30, 2002, at approximately 10am, I observed inmate Robert Brush washing the concrete sidewalks around the inmate activity building.  When asking inmate Brush why he was cleaning and brushing the sidewalk under such an excruciating heat and sun, he stated that he had been ordered to clean black spots on every sidewalk in the compound. He also stated to me that this was being done to him for filing numerous amounts of grievances which are allowed thru the inmate grievance process in Chapter 33 of FAC.

7)  Kenneth Odom #892850 states in a sworn affidavit:

That on July 30, 2002, while going towards multiservice approximately at 10 am , I observed Inmate Brush in the sweltering heat with a mop bucket and scrub brush sweating profusely while scrubbing various spots of the sidewalk.  The inside ground sergeant was approaching on a golf cart, at which time I clearly heard him ask the sergeant, "What is his assigned work area"?  The sergeant then replied, " All the sidewalks  from both ends of the compound".

     It should be noted that I observed inmate Brush undertaking such a strenuous task in the sun while he drenched in sweat.








Space reserved for DOC Solution

 Don't forget, You're invited to join us  

Send a roll of toilet paper to Jeb Bush marked:

"For The Prisoners Of Florida: 
To help prevent diseases in prison today 
from becoming epidemics in our society tomorrow."

Jeb's address is:
Florida Governor Jeb Bush
The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001



Jeb Bush
Tel:(904)488-4441 11/98
