I'll Always be Here part 2

"Wow.. this has been a great day..." Usagi murttered. As she and Mamoru went to her house. Mamoru remained silent all through out the drive. "Mamo-chan, what's up? you're too quiet for your own good. What's the matter?" Usagi asked curiously. Mamoru shifted and shrugged. "It's nothing just thinking of what Rei said that's all." He replied as he shifted gears. "About what? the man with grey eyes?" Usagi asked. "Yeah that's one thing and the targets too." Mamoru said as he turned into Usagi's street. "What about the man with grey eyes?" Usagi asked again. "I don't know..." Mamoru said as he stopped by Usagi's house. "Mamo-chan I think you need some rest. A man with grey eyes is nothing to worry about."Usagi said as she started to get out. Mamoru touched her arm, which prompted Usagi to turn and looked at him questioningly. Mamoru shook his head and let her go. They both got out of the car. Usagi waited for Mamoru to get around to her side. She smiled when he took her hand and escorted her to her house. When they were near the door, Usagi turned toward Mamoru and wrapped her hands around him. "So...see you tomorrow?" Usagi said as she looked up at Mamoru. Mamoru smiled at her. He slowly bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Yeah...see you." Mamoru said as he hugged her to him. He kissed her one last time and patted her cheek. "Go on in." Usagi smiled and entered her house. Mamoru turned and went back to his car then started to drive home. When he reached his apartment. Mamoru went about getting ready for bed. He laid down thinking of the man with grey eyes again. He can't help but to the feel dread when he heard Rei say that. He didn't know why but he felt danger was near. Danger for him and for his Usako. /*************/ It was dark all around him. He kept running around looking for something or someone. He looked around trying to find that thing he needed to find. Then he stopped he shook his head over and over again. He had found what he was looking for but not in the way he thought he would find it. He was standing in front of a stone altar, and on it was a girl with long blonde hair cascading around her. She was wearing a white gown with yellow ringlets on its bodice. And on her crossed hands was a rose... a black rose. A mist of black clouds started to form before the alter and out came a man, wearing a soldier's uniform. Grey in color, his cape was held by a broach on his left shoulder. His uniform was a shade darker than that of his cape. He had a white sash tied around his waist. A pair of onyx earrings were on his ears. He wore white gloves and held on his left hand was a cane.On his right hand was a black rose. The man smiled evilly at him. "Hello, Prince Endymion." he said walking slowly forward. Endymion just looked at him rooted at the spot. "Nothing to say my prince?" the man asked. "Akira?" Endymion whispered. Akira laughed as Endymion recognized him. "Yes it is I." "But it can't be I..." Endymion couldn't go on. "that you what...saw me get killed?" Akira asked. Endymion nodded and just stood there staring at him. "Well, I could prove it to you that I'm alive." Akira said as he held up his hand holding the rose. Quick as a flash the rose sailed past Endymion. and stuck on the stone wall behind him. "I could easily kill you Endymion but..." he stopped dramatically. "I won't I still have a score to settle with you. Till then my prince." with that he vanished. Endymion just stood there staring into space he could not comprehend why he stood rooted at the spot when he saw Akira. Only that when he looked into his eyes he couldn't move. Only that he looked into his steely grey eyes he couldn't move. /**************/ Mamoru woke up with cold sweat. ~No it couldn't be could it?~ he thought frantically. As memories of long ago started to flood back into him. Memories of his fight with a man who had steel grey eyes. A man whom he thought was already dead. He swung around and placed his head on his hands. ~No not him again!!~ Mamoru thought. He had fought with Akira before but for the life of him he couldn't remember why or how it all started. But only he knew that from now on he should be very careful. Not only him but his Usako too.

He stood up and went to his balcony to look at the night lit sky. He sighed as the cool night air blew past. He closed his eyes to let it sooth him. He sighed again as he openned them he glanced at his clock. ~3:30am~ he thought. No use getting back to sleep now that this dream, nightmare or whatever you call it, started to stirr thoughts on his head. He leaned against the rail and stared of into space. /**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/ The man on top of the building looked at the disturbed young man on the balcony. He stared hard, he knew he had seen this man before but he could not remember where. His queen had asked him to look out for the prince that had destroyed her sister. He couldn't get the feeling off him that some how this man in front of him is the prince he was to find. He couldn't be sure but he had to see for himself if this man does possess the power his queen had said. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on calling one of his pets. /***********/ The column of ice started to glow as the creature in it shifted. It opened its closed eyes, and started to grow. Then it burst from its icy cacoon. Smiling evilly it went to answer the call of its master. /**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/ Mamoru tried to remember what transpired between him and Akira. But try as he might he couldn't remember why, how or who he was. He was starting to get a headache with all the thoughts running through his mind. He started to turn when he felt an icy wind blew past. He tensed, and looked swiftly around. He felt danger was near. but he couldn't see or hear anyone. Mamoru cautiously, went into his apartment knowing that danger is lurking somewhere near. He had just entered his apartment when he felt something behind him. He didn't move fast enough, claws dugged deep into his back and he stiffled a scream of pain. He felt himself fly, as the attacker threw him. Mamoru went crashing down. He grimced at the pain that was inflicted on him. And turned to face his attacker. It stood seven feet tall and it had the face and torso of a man, the body of a lion. And arms like that of a griffen. Blood dripped from its claws as it stood there staring at him. It brought its arm up to strike again, Mamoru jumped up and quickly got out of its way. The pain on his back slowed him down, and he just barely dodged the claw that was aimed at him. ~Oh, boy..." Mamoru thought. He got out his transformation rose, and transformed into Tuxedo Kamen. The pain he felt dulled a little and he was able to counter attack the creature's blows. Up on the building, the man stared at the battle below. He grinned as he saw the man being beaten by his creation. But his grin faded when he saw the young man transform into the tuxedo clad man now fighting with his creature. Something about the way the man fought, got his attention. He looked intently at the man and the battle. Then he saw it. The action that confirmed, that he had met him before. As the memories of long ago, flooded into his mind, he floated and disappeared into the black mist behind him. Mamoru dodged the blows being given to him by the creature. He countered it by throwing a dozen steel tipped roses at it. He was about to launch another round of attack when a voice he thought that was only a part of his immagination spoke. "Heel, Griflion." The creature stopped his attack. Mamoru followed the voice and stood stock still. He came out of the black mist holding the cane on his left hand and the black rose at his right. He smiled evilly at him. "Well..well...well...who do we have here?" he said as he stood there looking at the stunned prince. Mamoru looked at the man he had just a few moments ago thought about. The man who he thought was dead. "No...it couldn't be..." Mamoru whispered to himself as he stared at the man before him. Akira looked at the surprised man infront of him and laughed an evil laugh. "Why, young prince you seem to have some trouble believing your own eyes." He mocked as he walked forward, stopping beside his creation. Mamoru could do nothing but stare at him. "Ahh...you need some evidence don't you?" Akira said. He aimed the rose and threw it. It flew past Mamoru, grazing his cheek. A trickle of blood came from the wound. But Mamoru seemed not to have felt it.

"My prince it is not fun to attack you, without you participating. You are still the same. You didn't even change. Even the way you attack has not even improve." Akira said looking down at the man before him. Mamoru said nothing. He just sat there doing nothing. "Ahh...we will continue this some other time." with that Akira left with his creation into the black mist. It was only then that Mamoru could move. He looked at the black rose beside him. He yanked it off the wall and looked at it. "Damn him!!" Mamoru whispered. He crushed the rose in his hands and slowly stood up from his position. His mask and top hat were already on the floor. It was knocked off when he was fighting with the creature. He now ran his hands on his hair, he winced when a fresh wave of pain flowed through him. He survied his apartment and groaned. It was a total wreck. He sighed. ~guess I'd better clean this up later.~ He thought as he powered down. But he regretted it instantly. The pain was too unbearable. In his Tuxedo Kamen form, he could tolerate any amount of pain but in this form it was too much for him. He slowly made his way into his bedroom, but the pain and exhaustion was too much. He collapsed and went into oblivion. Akira slowly made his way into the darkened chamber of his queen. She looked up as he entered and raised his eyebrows expectantly. "Well?" she asked. "I have found him." he reported. She smiled and stood up from the chair she was sitting on. "Uhmmm... that was fast." she replied as she made her way around the room. She flicked her hand and a flat bed of ice formed from the floor. She closed her eyes and one by one bottles of different shapes and sizes formed on it. "So we now extract our revenge a little at a time." She said as she picked up a bottle and got the empty bottle that appeared out of thin air. Akira smiled at that. "Yes of course my queen." He left in a swirl of black mist and disappeared. The woman he left behind giggled softly. "Oh... my sister I will now avenge your death and your broken heart." she said as she continued on mixing liquids into the bottle.