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Ladies of Gamma Eta VIII

Our famous couples, Jojomay & James and Ondi & Jose and Mabel @ Jessie & Monica's party ~smile~wink wink~

Jojo sporting her new Gamma Eta threads with her boo James

Mabel & Chris cheezing it up

Another one of our couples Yenisel & Pablo... if only all of us were so luck! ~sigh~

Sunny and Stash pose for a pic

Lizzy takes on center stage in HHM's Miss HSA Scholarship Pageant! Work it girl!!! Go LIZZY!

It*s ALL about LIZZY!

More Lizzy!

Lizzy walks down the runway with Rawlo!

Chris & Rawlo... Rawlo u know u would have won if you would have competed! ~hehehe~

Sisters love their little sisters!!!

Jessie and Anjanette, cutie patuties!

Jen and Kathy ~smile~ what a pair!! LOL

Jen and Kat ~smiles~ Both sweet n quiet

Michi and Jare...continue a cool family tradition

Ondi & andrea...Ondi could possibly be the best big sister!

Lianne holds up the potted plant cake that her big sis, Maria, made...que cute!

Lo0k @ mY GuEsTb0oK
ScRiBbLe 0n My GuEsTb0oK
