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Ladies of Gamma Eta XII


Gamma Eta sisters --Chris, Mabel, Lizzy, Jeannette, & Michi-- pose in front of La Casita during the homecoming parade

Andrea & Chris..sporting an Alligator "hat" LoL

Chris and Chris...anyone for any ROTC boys? ~smile~

Chris gets a kiss on the head from David for being a good gurl

Gamma Etas do what they do best @ FL field...pose for a GREAT pic!

Homecoming brought Mayte and Stina back to us for a little while! We missed you!

This Homecoming also brought someone very dear to all of us...our Founding Mother Ilena Camilo...this is the first time she had been back @ Florida since she had left the school. We welcomed her with open arms, ears, and hearts!

Sisters of Gamma Eta pose for a pic with their Founding Mother

Janice (Madam Prez) with Ilena

Chris with Ilena

Jojo goes through some scrapbooks while waiting for Ilena to arrive

Lizzy finds Dori, a member of her family tree

Stina, Jenni, and Janice look super cute # the Gator Game

Then we took a trip up to Tally into Seminole Country...where some of us witnessed a Gator Whoop-ass in hella cold weather... so sad, so sad...~sigh~ hopefully, they will lose in the Orange Bowl ~fingers crossed~

Who looks funnier in this hat? Andrea or Chris? Shoot, we were just taking turns keeping our ears warm!

Who says we can't haver a nice lunch @ Ruby Tuesdays with the enemy? (Booooooo Noles) LoL

Stacey, Andrea , & Chris partying in Tally

Chris & Rawlo keeping each other warm

Chris & Andrea by the Seminole Field

Lo0k @ mY GuEsTb0oK
ScRiBbLe 0n My GuEsTb0oK
