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Ladies of Gamma Eta XIV

Gamma Eta Co-Sponsors the LatinoGreeks.Com Pic-Nic in Orlando

The Illustrious Ladies of Gamma Eta

Jennie wants a piece of that cake...we ALL did!! LoL

Yet another wonderful group shot

Sisters getting their grub on! ~smile~ Yum!!

Sisters of Gamma Eta pose with our Co-sponsors the Sisters of Lambda Theta Alpha

Gamma Eta has a bowling social with the Brothers of Sigma Lambda Beta @ the Reitz Union

Gamma Etas & Betas excel at bowling...hahaha righhhht!

The winning team! Enrique, Don, Jessie, & Maria. YaY!

The Legacy continues...

Jarelis and Kathy join their big sisters Janice and Alex in a Tradition of Excellence

The coolest family tree Gamma Eta has ever had! Janice, Jennie, Chris, Michi, Jare, Ayleen, & Brenda

At Guillermo's parties Gamma Etas always have fun...

Jean Paul & Monica

The Fam lookin super cute

jorge & David acting crazy with my camera

Mileidys & Rodney make an appearance

Chris, Guille, JP, Michi, Maria, David & Margarita chill on the floor

Guillermo & Chris friends forever

Ondi, Janice, and Chris enjoy "see food" eewweee!

The Sander's House + 1

Lo0k @ mY GuEsTb0oK
ScRiBbLe 0n My GuEsTb0oK
