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Ladies of Gamma Eta XV

The Ladies of Gamma Eta Celebrate Thanxgiving with the Ladies of Lambda Theta Alpha

Ana & ingrid share a home away from home Thanxgiving

Sisters looking happy after getting thier grub on!

Zeta joins the fun!

Jarelis & Kathryn

Jen & Brenda know how to get a "mandubular" workout!

Milly & Chris

Pookie & Chris

Jessie, Anjanette, & the famous Twins, Annette & Jeannette

Gamma Eta's last event of the semester...the Annual Holiday Party/Senior Dinner... It's so sad to say good bye to the people we love...

Jennie & Chris love their Big sister Janice ~smile~

Adri & Chris make decorations for our tree @ La Casita

Gamma Etas by the tree

Chris loves her LiL Sis Brenda

The best advisors, Kathy & Alex

The 2000 E-Board says good bye... the new 2001 eboard takes over

Table 1 : Lianne, Caroline, Annette, Brenda, Andrea, & Jare

Table 2: Roxana, Kathy, Ayleen, Cristina, & Jessie

Table 3: Maria, Michi, Lizzy, Gina, Jeannette, & Annette

Table 4: Ana, Jen, Enid, Adriana, Carla, & Jojomay

Table 5: Kathy, Ondi, Alex, Janice, Jenni, & Jennie

Table 6: Yenisel. Monica, Kat, Chris, & Jen w/ special guest..Sergio! ~smile~

Get out there Ladies...and make us proud!
Graduating Seniors of the class of December 2000...

Joannemay De Ocampo, Jenni Resptrepo, Gina Baderacco, & Maria Muņoz...not present Emma Zennie, & Dominique Lamarre..Gook Luck in everything you do! We love you!

Lo0k @ mY GuEsTb0oK
ScRiBbLe 0n My GuEsTb0oK
