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Sisters pose by our banner baring our shield for the first time!!! :o)

Once again MY familia tree...3 generations worth Jarelis, Brenda, chris, Janice, Jennie, Michelle, and Ayleen

Spring 2001 graduating seniors participate in their last sisterhood brunch as undergraduates: Yenisel, Jen, Roxana, and Jennie

Chris met Sandra Bernhardt whe she came to UF for Pride Month

Navy boy Chris keeps Chris company at the Set during Gamma Eta Week 2001 ~sigh~ ROTC Boyz ~smile~

Now what would a semester be like without a road trip?!?!? Well this one took us down I-75 to Ybor City!! There we met up with some brothers from Lambda Theta Phi who were partying hard...together we "took it to the house"!

Janice, Jennie, Jare, Michi and Chris look as tho they are ready to PARTY! ~smile~

Esco gets into the action while we were trying to get a bit of fresh air in the balcony

Three generations of sisters Jennie, Michi, and Jare

The girls pose with Edgar and Ricky at the party

Ronnie with two of his favorite Gamma Etas Michi and Maria

Gamma Etas LOVE themselves some doggies..however Chris has the first Gamma Eta Kitty: Q-tip! Aint he a cutie pootie?!?! This was his first bath!

Lo0k @ mY GuEsTb0oK
ScRiBbLe 0n My GuEsTb0oK
