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Last but not least in the semester, we got some pictures from our sister Senior dinner...we are going to miss you ladies like you have no idea!!!!

I know you must think i cant get enough family portraits...well youre right!! This is my big sister Janice along with my sisters Jennie and Michi that i love sooooooooooo much!

Roxana, Jen, Jennie, Yomari and Yenisel love their sunflowers!

Its a miracle that Jennie was not bawling by this time...but she sure did later I'm sure!I love you Jennie!!!!!!!

the best advisor in the world just so happens to belong to Gamma Eta, K-Rex lets the seniors know they will survive the real world and and that they will be successful because they are smart, funny, beautiful and of course they are Gamma Etas! :o)

Gamma Eta could not have asked for more than this perfect trio of locas! ~smile~ friends til the end...Yomari, Jen, and Monica

La Dra. Baratelli will one day become an excellent M.D. and will see all Gamma Eta's children...for free!!! :o)

The seniors pose with their graduation stoles...nice senior gift huh? I think so!

I'm going to miss this smile....Te queremos mucho Yenisel!

Jojomay's Gucci and Chanel!!! I love having fashionably inclined sisters! MMUUUUAAAA!!! We love you Yomari and Monica!

Lo0k @ mY GuEsTb0oK
ScRiBbLe 0n My GuEsTb0oK
