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    Each night at MGM Studios a line of people wait to get into
a specially made amphitheater.  Walking around the crowd are vendors
selling various glowing, light-up objects.  Once in, the people sit in different
sections labeled by Disney characters such as Mickey Mouse and Scar.
 More vendors come out selling T-shirts, popcorn, hot dogs, and drinks in
the bright area, lit by a giant light lighting system positioned above.
Eventually some form of entertainment is brought out; singers, jugglers,
or comedians provide laughs and distractions as the time passes.  Finally, the lights
begin to go down, the audience gives a cheer and a voice echoes…
	“Welcome to Fantasmic…”

    A mountain in the middle of a lagoon is the stage for the night show.
The show itself comes in a few parts.  The beginning is the appearance
of Mickey Mouse.  The mouse orchestrates brilliant lights, music, and
water, then shoots a fountain of fireworks from his fingers.  A glow in
the dark jungle scene follows, including Cheetas, elephants, and dancing
monkeys on boats.  Various Disney movie clips are then projected on walls
of water along with clips from their music. 

    The show continues with the story of Pocahontas. The settlers battle with the
Indians all over the mountain in an exciting showdown.  And just
before John Smith is harmed, Pocahontas comes out to save him.  

   After the Pocohontas section, three boats parade through the lagoon
with three Disney princesses and their Princes: Belle, Ariel, and Snow White.
The boats are beautifully decorated with lights in the shapes of roses and flowers.

    The show darkens again as the wicked queen appears.  When she
finds out she is not the loveliest in Mickeys' imagination, she
basically decides to reek havoc.  So for a little help, she calls on
the other villains, and they begin their work.  The most exciting of those 
is Jafar, who comes out as a giant snake with very bright eyes that sweep
across the audience all the way across the lagoon.

    After the other villains are taken care of, Maleficent takes over
and turns herself into a Dragon.  The dragon (which has improved since
first used at MGM) breathes fire and sets the lagoon aflame.  It looks like
the end.  But suddenly  Mickey gets brave, shouting at the dragon, “You may think
you’re so powerful!  Well, uh, this is my dream!”

    Mickey draws a magic sword from a stone and raises the waters so they
surround the evil Maleficent dragon.  Holding the sword up high, he
shoots sparks into the wall of water, electrocuting and getting rid of
the villains and their evil plans.

     The whole moutain sparkles as from behind it emerges the ship
from Steamboat Willie.  The triumphant theme of the show plays again
as the whole ship lights up revealing Disney characters on every
deck and Mickey as Steamboat Willie at the helm.   

     After the ship passes comes the best part of the show.  High on the
mountain from a shower of sparks appears Mickey dressed as the sorcerers’
apprentice.  Mickey dances and waves his hands, guiding fireworks, lasers, 
and lights in a beautiful finale display.  On the lagoon colorful water dances
in patterns.

    Suddenly Mickey disappears from the top and emerges at the bottom
in his red and black suit to deliver the most memorable line, “Some
imagination, huh?”.  And in one more explosion he is gone, the lights go out.

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