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The Hall of Presidents

It may not have a rampaging alien or a five story drop, but it is a must see attraction. The Hall of Presidents brings history and advanced audio-animatronics together for an amazing experience.

The attraction starts with a movie presentation narrated by Mia Angelou showing the beggining of our country and it's freedom. Near the end, the curtain rises and reveals a stage upon which stands all of the US presidents.

Now these aren't just cardboard cutouts or anything like that. These figures have the coolest most intricate movments I've ever seen. For example, Bill Clinton, who was the latest addition to the hall, was caught a few times looking at his watch(made you wonder if Monica was waiting backstage.) Something else you may notice is that some of the presidents have little conversations with eachother during the show, noding and responding while trying to look like they are paying attention. Abraham Lincoln practices his speech to himself, reading his papers and memorizing. They also scratch, look around, nod, switch feet, and hold on to their vests. It's the subtle things that make the difference here.

We've got a new president, which means there should be a new addition to the hall of presidents. Father and son will now be on the same stage, and Bill Clinton will be moved back into the group.

Personaly, I think after the way the elections went, animatronic figures of Al Gore and W. Bush should have a war with little chads in their armies as all the other presidents take cover. Then the supreme court's super gavel can jump in and trash them both! Cool idea!